
Showing posts from August 5, 2022

/u/Helena_Hyena on I feel invalidated

It’s ridiculous because you know these people will probably hug family members and not see it as sexual, yet they still assume it’s sexual when coming from anyone else August 06, 2022 at 12:13AM

/u/Helena_Hyena on I feel invalidated

Wtf, I went to a high school that banned most forms of physical contact and even they let us high five. It’s literally one of the most non-sexual forms of contact I can imagine. Heck, it even seems less intimate than a handshake to me, and that’s literally something you’re expected to do when meeting people in professional settings! August 06, 2022 at 12:10AM

/u/Faenarvious on I feel invalidated

It was a high five... You didn't smack their ass, you smacked their hand with your own hand 😭 and I thought I looked too much into things when it comes to whether or not someone's flirting with me! August 06, 2022 at 12:10AM

/u/MattMann2001 on (HUGE VENT W/ TW) sex has turned me into a paranoid wreck

Personally, I think that for you the sex definitely isn’t worth it if it gets you this worked up. I’d suggest holding back on any sex and trying to not think about it for a while, and talk to a professional to see what their view is. August 06, 2022 at 12:09AM

/u/Blues-Boi on I feel invalidated

These people are insane. I literally run and tackle all my friends with warm hugs. I legit tackle hugged my friend then I turned and tackle hugged his partner. Getting weirded out over a friend giving their friend a mutual high five is weird to me. August 06, 2022 at 12:09AM

/u/ScarJones on Just.. what?

I don’t why people correlate not liking sex to being gay 🙃 you can be straight and not like sex. August 06, 2022 at 12:03AM

Not sure what to learn from all this

I M19 started texting this girl F19. We had previously met at a party. Conversation via text was good, i was asking questions she was asking questions. Her replies were quick and detailed and she seemed to be putting in effort. After a few days of texting i asked her out, and she said she’s busy. That’s bad i know. I waited a couple of days and asked her out again and she said yes. When we met at first she initiated a hug. We were together for around 3 hours. I was really really nervous during the date and it seemed to me that i didn’t put in much effort. It seemed to me that she put in most of the effort in asking the questions. I may have given her the wrong impression. I talked to her as a friend not a romantic partner. While we were together her legs were facing me and she had open body language if that’s improtant :) After the date i messaged her about having had a great time and she just liked the message. Fast forward a couple of days i asked her out on a 2nd date and she sai...