
Showing posts from March 14, 2022

/u/paladingineer on My (39F) boyfriend of 7 years (49M) got drunk and went off on my mentally ill mother. (69F).

Why have you crossposted this here? March 15, 2022 at 01:22AM

Raya referral

Hi! I’m selling Raya referral for 30$ via PayPal. I would have given it away for free, but if I’ll refer too many people I’ll get blocked. I have big Instagram following, so there are big chances for acceptance Submitted March 15, 2022 at 01:10AM Hi! I’m selling Raya referral for 30$ via PayPal. I would have given it away for free, but if I’ll refer too many people I’ll get blocked. I have big Instagram following, so there are big chances for acceptance

Have a guy's number but no good excuse to start a conversation!

This is a graduate school classmate. I only have his number because I got it from a friend, so he doesn't know I have it. He doesn't have any social media that would be a good avenue for me to start a convo with, although he did follow me on Spotify after we met for the first time at a party. The conversation was flirty, kind of promising. Our mutual friend thinks I should go for it but the question is how? I probably should've texted him right after the party when I got his number saying "Hi, this is _________ who you just met, got your number from our friend". We don't have any classes together and I don't know where he sits in our huge studio multi-floor otherwise I'd find a way to casually walk by. Right now all I've got is waiting for the next party our mutual friend hosts haha. Submitted March 15, 2022 at 01:13AM This is a graduate school classmate. I only have his number because I got it from a friend, so he doesn't know I have it...

/u/Shardok on My friend sent me this chart she found in her textbook. She’s taking a class on the psychology of sex. So, i did a bit of reverse img searchin tryin to find if this image existed online alrdy... And i found out that the OP in this case is a karmafarming reposter, likely run using a bot given the lack of OP replies. So sadly no, OP u/jgoerz (names kinda obvs a red flag now) cannot drop a reference bcuz this isnt their OC. March 15, 2022 at 12:34AM

/u/Shardok on My friend sent me this chart she found in her textbook. She’s taking a class on the psychology of sex.

Fun fact u/jgoerz appears to be a reposting karmafarming bot This post was first made on Jan 2021. Which also seems to be the earliest instance of this image online. March 15, 2022 at 12:32AM

What is too fast?

I've been on two dates with the current guy I'm dating, and we've talked for about a month now. On the dates time just flies. We spend six hours like nothing and we always have to end the date abruptly so that I can catch the last train. At the beginning I was very hesitant because he is moving very fast with his feelings. I get scared that he's fallen for an idea of me and it didn't feel organic. It took me a lot of back and forth to give him another chance and since our second date I'm starting to feel something for him already. He makes comments like "when we move in together", in a half-jokey way, and things along those lines, and I get scared he's trying to sell me this fantasy. He does seem like a really genuine guy so it doesn't feel like he's love bombing me, or am I being blinded? Submitted March 15, 2022 at 12:09AM I've been on two dates with the current guy I'm dating, and we've talked for about a month now. On...