This is relationship related, I promise. Long story short, my best friend (19m) and I (19f) have been on and off dating/being intimate for about a year now through various circumstances and have known each other for 2. He's one of those people I really felt like that cared about me (and I care so much about him too), and we were extremely close friends. About half a year ago, he moved to a different state for school and so have I. At the time, he basically decided that any romantic relationship, long distance, is not possible due to the lack of physical intimacy he needed and that if we want to stay friends, we'd have to move on from each other. I listened and agreed, and tried moving on as fast as possible, through healthy methods such as confronting my feelings and hanging out with friends and meeting new people. A few months after that, I basically met a guy, and my best friend has been looking around for a S.O. too. At first, I was definitely uncomfortable, but I really t...