
Showing posts from July 5, 2022

Will a guy be flattered if I message him first?

Matched with this guy on tinder and we got each other’s instagrams. We now both follow each other but I want to pick a conversation up. Is it nice for me to send a cheesy message to get the ball rolling? Or should I let him approach? (I know I’m going to be flooded with double standard comments) Submitted July 06, 2022 at 12:08AM Matched with this guy on tinder and we got each other’s instagrams. We now both follow each other but I want to pick a conversation up. Is it nice for me to send a cheesy message to get the ball rolling? Or should I let him approach? (I know I’m going to be flooded with double standard comments)

A matched with a guy on a dating app and he hasn’t replied to me yet

So this is my first time using a dating app. This one is called ‘The League’ because well yeah. So this guy likes my profile first, few days later the app pops his profile and I ignore it, not reject it. Then again it came up this Thursday and I just went for it. (I ignored the first time bc I was really busy that day and he low key didn’t seem to be my type) Anyway, it’s been 5 days since I matched and sent him a ‘Hi’ and he hasn’t replied to me yet. And idk what to feel about it. (You can see how weak my game is but plz don’t rip me for it in the comments) For some reason unbeknownst to me, I just want to talk to him and get to know him, etc. but I feel like I waited it out and now it’s that thing where you miss all the shots you don’t take Honestly, I started using the app bc I wanted to teach myself what rejection is and that I’ve to get easy with it, and this is not even rejection or should I take it as one? I just don’t know how to stop myself from checking my phone every co

I need some advice on how to approach dating in my situation

So I'm a 24 year old guy, and I've never dated before. I've never had any type of experience with a girl and have had little social experience in my life, which has obviously made me very socially awkward. I don't know how to act in groups, and it doesn't help that I've never been to a party before. Due to various troubling events that took place in my childhood and teenage years, I've had serious mental and emotional problems....and I've lived as an extreme recluse for at least the past 10 years.....even in elementary school. I pretty much missed out on all the positive youthful/teenage experiences, plus I don't have a social media presence. Pretty much everything I've said above has destroyed any semblance of confidence or liking any part of myself. I've always kinda wondered what it's like to have someone be attracted to you or want to be around you. Every time I meet someone new (usually at work), one question I always get asked is

i think i’m in love with my straight best friend and he has no idea.

i (m25) have had feelings for a best friend of mine (m24) for what feels like years now. i’ve kept these thoughts and feelings mostly to myself (i’ve told two friends) for so long and it’s starting to eat me alive. the first time i realized i had feelings for him was when he dated one of my roommates and i got extremely jealous and sad seeing them together and started to experience daydreams about him and i being together romantically. they only dated for short time but since then i haven’t been able to stop thinking about him in that way. it’s been over a year since and i’ve continued ruminating on the feelings and daydreams. my friends tell me to get over him because it’s hopeless and will only negatively affect my friendship with him. part of me thinks they are right and i should get over him to save myself from the hurt that comes with unrequited love. the other part of me is trying to find any signs of hope that he may feel the same way about me. we are very close and hangout

I’ve been going out with a girl for about 6 months and I don't know what we are (HELP)

I met her at my high school prom which was on December 17th, 2021(I never got to see her before that (covid)). My drunken self asked for her number and we started messaging and calling each other rather constantly, now its been almost 3 months that It is daily. We've gone out to walk and drink coffee at local parks and stuff, went to some shopping centres and even ice skating (last Friday; we held hands haha). In these dates we walk and talk from normal things to random and even some sexual stuff (she likes to read erotic/mystery novels and I've even read one she told me not to read lol). We even got nicknames for each other and we joke around our kinks. We've broken the physical barrier a little bit and got more comfortable with each other, she cracks at my jokes and even stays late with me on call while I do my homework or make models (architecture). Im completely mad for her and I couldn't stand only being her friend, the problem is that im kind of insecure about he

Tiny bit sad about past relationship not working — too soon to date?

Is it okay to date with a tiny sore spot still in my heart about a breakup? I broke up with this guy who I only saw for like a month, but ya, it’s been a few weeks and I’m good to go the majority of the time, it’s just every now and then I get a little sad about “did I do the right thing?” And I come to the conclusion that yes, I did, it’s just a little sad still. Anyways, I want to start dating again. Is it okay to begin dating even when I still get a tiny bit sad sometimes thinking of how my past relationship didn’t work out? Submitted July 06, 2022 at 12:15AM Is it okay to date with a tiny sore spot still in my heart about a breakup?I broke up with this guy who I only saw for like a month, but ya, it’s been a few weeks and I’m good to go the majority of the time, it’s just every now and then I get a little sad about “did I do the right thing?” And I come to the conclusion that yes, I did, it’s just a little sad still.Anyways, I want to start dating again. Is it okay to begi

/u/YetGayerWombat on An excellent Asexual memes💖💖

Are you a bot July 05, 2022 at 11:48PM

/u/silent-inthetreees on I might be grey-ace or demi. Advice?

Honestly both are rare July 05, 2022 at 11:48PM