So, I've always been extremely shy about my body, but finally getting a good boyfriend seems to be changing that for me. In high school I was always the girl who changed facing the corner after gym class. I've usually been filled with dread before doctor appointments, and I didn't even like my cat seeing me naked. I'm not obese, and I don't have anything weird going on. I just felt like every tiny detail could be up for appraisal. A few months ago I started getting sexual with a guy, and the way he's been treating me has absolutely blown my mind! He asks me for feedback, like do you like that, does that feel good, or even what would you like me to do to you? And of course the sex is wonderful with all the communication going on! In retrospect, this seems pretty basic, but the other two guys I've had sex with didn't do that. I've put up with bad cunnilingus that I wasn't really into, and that's even after giving a few hints that were prompt...