Hi Sam, lt sounds like what you don't understand is the difference between libido and sexual attraction. The info that you're missing is that (most) asexuals do have a libido, it's just not "directed" at someone. So, the only sexual feeling that they have is their libido, which can be either high or low (just like a straight/gay/bi/pan person's can). I know it's hard to picture, but it might help to try and think of a time when your libido spiked (e.g. due to pms or ovulation) while you were home alone. You were just minding your own business, not thinking about sex, there were no guys around, no one to attract you, yet you still felt slightly aroused. We might differ here because you then probably thought of some guy who you're attracted to, but the point is that your libido wasn't triggered by seeing someone you find attractive or actively thinking about sex, it was just there of its own accord, because of your hormones. As others have mention...