
Showing posts from April 19, 2023

/u/Certain_Age5507 on Aces can have fetishes. Are all fetishists ace?

Sexual attraction is still sexual attraction no matter how you're getting it and I believe those with fetishes can still feel at least some form of sexual attraction for people as well. That's mostly in reference to the sexual attraction being rare, some greysexuals only feel sexual attraction a few times in their life and that's all. April 20, 2023 at 01:22AM

Sex and dating after 18 year marriage

I am coming out of an abusive marriage that lasted 18 years. I have been enjoying dating and experiencing new people. It’s been overall very positive. I am just casually dating right now, not looking for a relationship right away. However, I’m a little terrified I will never have satisfying sex again. I have slept with a few people and they all were such short encounters AND I wasn’t able to orgasm. From lack of skill/effort, not nervousness. I got lots of positive feedback on my own efforts. While my marriage was a train wreck, one thing we did well was fuck. Both of us always orgasmed. We really had each other figured out sexually. I find myself really missing getting railed. 😂 So I’m wondering if this has just been bad luck or if lots of people just aren’t terribly great at sex? Yes I know that I can work on a sexual relationship if I find someone that I am really into…but I’m not ready to get that close yet. I feel shitty for being critical, but sex is just a big part of who...

Unmatched with a girl I liked on Hinge, I have her number and we met up, how should I explain the unmatching if she brings it up?

So I was 100% certain she blocked me in iMessage, because of how annoying and drunk I was (4-5 times drunker than her) on the first date. It's hard to overstate how bad the impression I gave was and I didn't fully remember everything I said. She also said she was a morning person and previously texted in the morning. So when the message box was green I assumed block. Additionally, I thought I left such a bad impression that I don't want her to be able to reverse image search on Hinge, or report me, or and screw with me on another platform or find my info. So I unmatched to hide my profile from her. Turns out she actually replied in iMessage later that day... so I laughed my ass off at how stupid and paranoid I was. If it turns out she actually still likes me how should I explain the unmatch Submitted April 20, 2023 at 01:15AM So I was 100% certain she blocked me in iMessage, because of how annoying and drunk I was (4-5 times drunker than her) on the first date. It...

Dumped out of the blue

We (28f, 27m) had only been going out for a few months but things seemed to have been going really well. He was showing up, making an effort, constantly talking about the future as recent as a few days ago - what he wanted to do together, having intimate conversations, constantly telling me how much he likes me and all these other things. Then yesterday out of nowhere, a few hours after having a totally normal conversation where he was showing me something he was excited about, I got a text ending things. A text. I feel so blindsided and even more hurt because there wasn’t really a reason given, but the confusion is making it worse. I feel like I have no closure and could use some advice on idk anything. I feel like I’m having so much trouble processing this because things were still new and good, and it came out of nowhere. Submitted April 20, 2023 at 12:05AM We (28f, 27m) had only been going out for a few months but things seemed to have been going really well. He was showing ...

/u/OneChrononOfPlancks on change in sex drive after starting hormone boockers

FWIW when I started HRT my libido tanked for a few months but then it stabilized and came back once my body was used to the new hormone balance. It doesn't mean you're ace, but it also doesn't necessarily mean you're not ace. Identify however feels good and reasonable for you. April 19, 2023 at 11:29PM

/u/kasuchans on Asexuality and Worldview

Off topic, and I can't help you cause. I’ll admit that I find those sorts of questions very entertaining as an allo, but I am very pleased to know that other people play Hot Seat as we called it because I’ve never met another group of people that play it aside from my college friends! April 19, 2023 at 11:26PM