To say the least this went a little bit wrong, I suppose. I probably I screw this up, totally, when I spoke with a woman today, which is ok since I refuse to keep doing this overthinking if she likes me or not for this long (months, she looks at me, I look at her, she smiles, I like that, etc.), so regarding that (thinking about her this hard) I'm done. Over the years I've had girlfriends, all good, but since my last one, my game (which was never great) has been poor to say the least. So today, after some months of looking at this woman smile at me, wink the eyes at me, me looking at her, and liking this interaction, but knowing it could be just a friendly interaction, which has been going on for some time now (we sometimes talked to each other, etc.). As time went by I started to see these as signals (they were not, or so I think so let's be real, or what do I know women are complicated). So I approached her today and told her the following below (yeah, it sucks, but I ju...