What to do?
Tonight I was talking to a long time pen pal, let’s call him G, and I was talking to him about the fact that we have been talking online for approximately a year and a half and we have never met in person. G says that he has a lot of health problems, he’s 60 and he went through lots of trauma with the house flooding and him losing his home, thieves stole his possessions and threatened him, so he keeps to himself, he has the shingles, his heart is very weak and he had heart failure so he had to go to rehab to get it sorted, and that his friend had a stroke and he has to take care of him. At the start, we were friendly and he messaged me everyday, telling me that I’m handsome, I have great skin, then we would video call on a lot of nights and do masturbating while he rubs his stomach and he talks about his skin being like cashmere, and talking about my skin being very soft and shiny. We talked about meeting each other and he seemed very eager, then I got into a relationship with anoth...