I do not know any other aces, and I was surprised to see a fellow belgian ace post on these subs a while ago. As far as I know, there is no community. It can get pretty lonely. I was hoping to show some support, find fellow aces on the Belgium sub, and raise awareness because my own experiences with peers etc haven't been that well... But r/Belgium mods weren't having it: "Since this is not Belgium specific, we won't allow this post. Feel free to discuss it in the daily slowchat." f*ck you, r/Belgium . I actually found out by chance, on the very day, it was International Asexuality Day. I was pretty stoked (what are the chances?), but so nobody to share this with. Anyway, I am glad this forum is around, at least you guys understand ! Although it's already over here in Belgium... Happy ace day fellow aces! April 06, 2021 at 11:39PM