
Showing posts from November 3, 2019

Everyone is ghosting me (22f)

I am losing all my relationships. My boyfriend slowly cut me off for no reason (known to me) and now we’re not seeing each other. I was immensely in love with him, sacrificed more than anyone should be asked for, went totally out of my way and exhausted myself for him all for it to boil down to ghosting. Everyone would tell me I was too good for him and deserved better but I was head over heals. I miss him everyday and I just never got closure. My bestfriend of four years broke friendship with me over something really tiny. It was me being annoying and chatty while I was stoned while we were traveling. After the trip he just cut me off over this. I was confused but I apologized to him with a card and presents, he refused to even open it and left it in the trash. I asked my other friends if there’s anything I could retrospect over and can change about myself and they said it was not my fault at all and he’s just acting childish or that his girlfriend is making him do it and there’s not

I [20F] feel like my boyfriend [21M] of almost 6 months is dismissive of any help I try to give him.

I am the type of person to want to try and fix a problem as much as I can. In this case I am wanting to help my boyfriend overcome his struggles as much as possible, but every time I make a suggestion, I just feel like he’s dismissive of any ideas I have that could possibly help him. I understand that sometimes people don’t want help and just want to vent, but after a certain amount of time they need solutions. Here are some examples: My bf is hating his time at work and is always miserable and stressed. I have been listening to him complain about how much his work sucks since the beginning of September. I understand that his work is frustrating, but since the end of September, I’ve been trying to give him advice and trying to help as much as I can. I listen to him, but I try to give him suggestions. I advised that he look for another job and he’s like “yes, but they don’t want me”. I advise that he should be more positive for his own sake and he says “yes, but being negative is moti

I (24F) am having a difficult time figuring out/managing my feelings towards a friend (27M).

I have been friends with this guy for the last 3-4 years, and particularly close friends for the last 1-2 years. We have a lot in common and have spent a lot of time together despite being long distance friends (different states) due to school. About 90% of the time I am completely satisfied with out relationship as very good friends, but the other 10% I find myself having much stronger feelings and I just don’t know what to do with them. I am fairly certain that he only views me as a friend and I am worried that speaking up about these occasional bouts of romantic interest may make out current relationship as friends strained and awkward. I really don’t want to lose the friendship, but I really need some advice on how to either get over these stronger feelings or training myself to manage them better. TL;DR: I (24F) am starting to have stronger feelings for a friend (27M) every now and then and I’m not sure how to manage these feelings so that I don’t jeopardize the friendship.

I stare at my bf but he doesn’t stare at me

[ADVICE NEEDED] Me and my bf are both 21 and been together a year. In the beginning he’d always compliment me look at me a lot touch all over me a lot. I probably wasn’t the most affectionate in the very beginning because I just wasn’t used to it but I was still pretty affectionate. Now roles have kind of switched where I feel like i stare at him a lot like literally all the time whatever he’s doing and call him cute all day always wanna kiss and touch him but I feel like he’s lot interest in me or not as into as he once was because I just feel like he barely looks at me at least not the way I look at him. And doesn’t really touch me as much either. When I stop doing it as much is when he starts paying more attention to me seemingly because he wants more attention. So I’m just at a lost this has kinda made me lose some kind of feelings and I feel distant now but idk I’m lost of what this all could mean. Should I back off or just simply bring this up although I feel like he would just

Looking for advice/out side perspective on my relationship.

I will give a little background as it may or may not be relevant. Me (29F) and my partner (23M) have been together for over 3 years now. At the beginning, I was terrible, I was controlling, manipulative and allowing my mental health to dictate and rule both me and him. My anxiety was centred towards other women, the idea that he was going to cheat on me, hurt me and abandon me etc etc. I really did hurt him a lot with my behaviours and I’m incredibly ashamed of it and have worked hard to change it. I can admit I put him through hell and have no idea why or how he stuck by me throughout all I put him through. Overtime I got better, significantly, I don’t have any of my controlling behaviours anymore, I ensure I’m careful with my words, intentions and any questions I ask to ensure I am not falling back into old ways alongside with medicine I take daily to keep anxiety in check. Forward to August, I moved to be with him in his home country living together in his apartment. He started Un

Girl I've been seeing probably likes her ex hook up.

've been seeing this girl for about 2 months. It's been verging on serious - we are exclusive and have talked seriously about dating. She was in a weird, unspoken friends with benefits thing with a guy long distance over the course of a year. I had no idea about this when we met and started hanging out. She talked about him a few times, I asked her if she was over it, she said yes. Eventually he starts reaching out to her again, wants to visit her. She decides she needs to officially tell him I exist and that while they can be friends, that's it. She does so in text. In the immediate aftermath, she's upset. Says she need to talk to him more to get closure on what their relationship was. She had had feelings for him that never got expressed, and wants to know if he had felt that way. She reiterates time and time again she doesn't want him back. However, she kept saying "I don't know that I don't have feelings for him." She's been dealing wi

My sister [F18] and mother [F55] think I ruin family time

My sister and mother think I ruin family time. For a while, I’ve [F21] had problems with my mother [F55] and my sister [F18]. I’ve always felt like my mother favored my sister a lot more than me. This happened a lot in my childhood and I’ve tried to ignore it now that we’re both in college (same school). We both came home for the weekend, and the same things happened a lot. It’s not so much a lot of big things but a lot of little things. It hurts to see them leave the room together away from me to talk privately. My mom also always asks her what she wants to do and not me. Then they make plans and I have to ask to be included. My mom doesn’t really acknowledge me a lot when both me and my sister are there. For example, we got into an argument Friday night because I felt they were insulting me by making fun of my height and my boyfriend by saying things like “it’s weird that you’re taller than him don’t people think that’s weird?” and saying other things about him and I. I told them

Unsure about feelings for friend(F) while in current long distance relationships

I (25/M) have been with my girlfriend (24/F) for 3 years, long distance for the past 2.5 years. Lately I’ve been feeling distant from her. I know she’s been busy, but our communication isn’t as great because she is busy. I feel as if I don’t tell her things that are going on in my life because she doesn’t ask. I’m usually not one to just text things to someone unless we have a convo going or are talking over the phone. This has been going along with me starting to develop feeling for one of my friends taking classes with me. I don’t know if it’s because of the lack of affection from my gf or if I am losing interest. How can I work through this situation?? Tl;dr: feeling bad for feeling distant to gf and developing interest in friend of 2 years Submitted November 03, 2019 at 11:49PM I (25/M) have been with my girlfriend (24/F) for 3 years, long distance for the past 2.5 years. Lately I’ve been feeling distant from her. I know she’s been busy, but our communication isn’t as great

I (21F) can't seem to hold down partnerships for the life of me. My self esteem is really taking a hit.

Hello all, before I start this I'd like to formally state that I know this is a ridiculous and stupid problem but it's really been murdering my self esteem. At the start of the year I was in the prime of my life, I was fit, in great mental standing, and had just moved to a new country. All was truly in my favor and I even viewed my losses as just natural step leading to my next win. Throughout the course of the year however my self esteem began to take massive hits in the shape of lifestyle insecurity and general decision making, stuff I know is natural to 20-something-year-olds but was really rough nonetheless. Through this year I've seen a lot of people. I love monogamy, and I felt that I was in a place to finally date again after a two year break to focus on myself. I knowww how this is going to come across but I've been fortunate enough to court every person I've been interested in this year to some capacity. I know that this could be a positive thing to most

Why can’t I find a girlfriend? Is something wrong with me? 21 M

I can’t believe I’m doing this but I seriously need some advice. I’m 21 years old, in college and never even held a girl’s hand before. During high school I guess you could say that I was socially awkward, didn’t have many friends other then some people that I played sports with, even then girls made attempts to talk to me, sit by me, and one even tried to claim me as her bf lol. I have a lot of regrets from that time, I especially regret not asking out one girl I was very much in love with, even after she was giving me signals such as saying hi all the time, wanting me to sit by her, and even asking if I have a girlfriend. I know that I can’t change the past but I feel like it keeps affecting me to this day. After high school I only had the courage to ask a girl out once and got a apprehensive “maybe” , I didn’t ask again. I still live at home with my parents, and the career path that I chose means that I’ll only start making a decent salary in my 30’s , if successful. My relationshi

Any advice for me[f/26] dating a person[m/27] with chronic illness?

I'm not going to get too specific about the illness, as he Reddits. Basically he has a body which is quickly betraying him, he is often physically weak and deals with digestive issues, and he has a shorter than normal lifespan. Pain isn't a big issue yet, but it likely it will be. He has many medical appointments. We met through friends, went on four dates over two weeks, and then I put things on pause when I learned of the illness and had a vague sense of how it would affect us as a couple and my future. Our mutual friends sing his praises - he really is a fantastic guy. I wanted to be sure (though you can never really be sure) that this was something I am mentally healthy enough to take on and that I can support someone sufficiently without seeing them as their illness. He's in a support group, has a therapist, and has great friends, so I'm not walking into a situation where I'd be his only support. It's been two weeks since the pause, we've continued ta

Haven’t met the SO’s kiddos and I’m kinda concerned

I’ll try really hard to keep this short. So my boyfriend (42m) and I(40f) have been together for 8 months, everything was going great, he would come to my place almost every weekend, when he wasn’t with me he was with his kiddos, which I am all for. I have yet to meet his kids though. We talk about them, and he has said that they took the divorce hard and him and the ex opted to try and figure out custody themselves instead of having the judge figure it out. He finally admitted to me that I probably won’t meet the kids until next year, because he has decided to take the necessary steps for filing and establishing firm custody, apparently she gives him a hard time when it comes to picking up the kids ie: she’s late for drop off or early for pick up. I’m not sure I how I feel about that. I understand that kids are important and he’s protective of them, but I can’t help but wonder if I will ever meet them. To top it off, lately our weekends together have been less and less. He did tel

My (23F) friend (23F) is avoiding confrontation with me and I don't know what to do

I've been friends with this girl since high school, and we used to be really really close, even roomed together in college and such. Generally it's been a good time, but I also tend to let things that bother me about our relationship go. Towards the end of last year, she's gone through a lot of personal troubles, and has been ranting/complaining a lot to me, to the point where I've stopped talking about myself and every conversation felt like a loop of the same topics. It's gotten better recently, but last year while she was stressed, she would get very moody and act very icy to me for no reason. It got so bad that she would just ignore me while we're together, and this used to stress me out a lot (I for some reason always thought I was making her annoyed or something) but I realized that's just how she acts when she's in a bad mood. The moodiness combined with the non stop ranting about her own life really took a toll on me, and since I never confron

No idea how to peacefully confront my [22M] roommate/friend about their [21NB] neglected health issues

I've talked to my roommates about this and they want no part of it, and as much as I don't want to be involved with their personal issues, it negatively affects everyone in the house. I just really want to hear other opinions about this. I have no idea if it's even my place to be saying anything or not (which, if it's not, please tell me), but I am genuinely concerned about them. My roommate has an eating disorder. They will acknowledge it, but have no desire to do anything about it. I understand this (I know how hard it is to actually manage that), but it's not all that's going on. They blame their eating disorder not on any sort of body image issues (which I believe), but on a mysterious "chronic illness" that they have. They claim that this illness is abdominal migranes (which I have doubts about since that's usually something only seen in children). I believe that their symptoms are real: stomach pain, nausea, etc. But I don't think it

Should I keep my baby if he doesn’t want me to?

Boyfriend (24/M) and I (24/F) have been talking on social media for about a year and in June 2019 is when we first met. We hit it off pretty fast and heavy and ended up breaking up for about a month and when we got back together the make up sex was pretty intense it got me pregnant.. At first he was happy and he was all for us growing together. So now today he feels completely different and does not want me to have the baby anymore. (TL/DR) Should I keep the baby and have it without him in my life? His arguments stem from us barely knowing each other. Submitted November 04, 2019 at 12:11AM Boyfriend (24/M) and I (24/F) have been talking on social media for about a year and in June 2019 is when we first met. We hit it off pretty fast and heavy and ended up breaking up for about a month and when we got back together the make up sex was pretty intense it got me pregnant..At first he was happy and he was all for us growing together. So now today he feels completely different and d

How do I go in for a kiss

Me and my gf (high school) have been dating for about 3 months now and we’re both new to the whole relationship thing. Anyway she has told me explicitly she is cool with it I just don’t know when or how I should execute it any help is greatly appreciated Submitted November 03, 2019 at 11:37PM Me and my gf (high school) have been dating for about 3 months now and we’re both new to the whole relationship thing. Anyway she has told me explicitly she is cool with it I just don’t know when or how I should execute it any help is greatly appreciated


you leave tonight, you haven’t responded in a while so i’m assuming you’re out enjoying your last few hours here. you told me 9 months but now you’re gonna be gone for 18....but that’s okay, i’ll still be here waiting for your return home. have a safe flight, i love you, please come home. Submitted November 03, 2019 at 11:40PM you leave tonight, you haven’t responded in a while so i’m assuming you’re out enjoying your last few hours here. you told me 9 months but now you’re gonna be gone for 18....but that’s okay, i’ll still be here waiting for your return home. have a safe flight, i love you, please come home.

Call waiting☎️

I haven't heard that beep in forever. Submitted November 03, 2019 at 11:41PM I haven't heard that beep in forever.

/u/MordekiaserGod on Graysexual but I WANT a romantic and sexual partner

Yo, I'm the same. The exact fucking same. I'm Demisexual and Demiromantic. I don't feel attracted to really anybody, but when I do and have a bond with them, I do want a loving relationship and sex, but it's moreso a sensual and the feeling of being close to the loved one sort of thing. I want them to be lived and pleased in every way I can. Sadly, I'm in love with a girl I've known for almost 10 years, and dated for 2 in high school. We live together, but she is full on Ace all the way. She doesn't want sex, ever, at all, unless she wanted a kid (which she doesn't know if she wants or not), and even than cringed when she said you don't always get preggers the first time. She also doesn't like hugs, being touchy feely, or really any intimacy with anyone. Sadly, I can't change how I feel about her. I've tried. But it's there and won't go away. Even when I was traveling doing sales, I'd have pleasent dreams about her and I

/u/1thrunine on Weird. This kinda stuff always baffles me. (Referring to the 1st sentence)

The context for this one is more in regards to Katie Hill i think. She was an openly bisexual representative who was forced to step down after revenge porn of her was posted by her estranged ( and almost divorced) husband and when it was found she was having an affair. November 04, 2019 at 12:04AM

/u/Bronztrooper on Does it ever depress you all your friends are getting significant others but your not even though you don’t necessarily want one?

Not really due to my friends (half of them are single), but yeah, I know what you mean. I think what I really want is an uber-best friend that I can cuddle and/or hug whenever I'm feeling touch-starved or just want attention and to just talk to about anything at all. I don't really do much, if any, of that with the vast majority of people I know, reserving it only for people I'm especially close to, but atm the only people that fit that or come close are my sister, my dad, and my current circle of friends, and all of them except my dad live either in other states or other countries. So, yeah, I feel you. November 04, 2019 at 12:04AM

/u/widnidiw on How do you come to terms with your sexuality?

Same here. For me it's kind of weird because I often end up saying "technically not straight." It feels like if I HAD to choose one or the other to call myself, it would definitely make the most sense to pick straight. I have a degree of attraction to men, it's just absolutely not sexual and pretty much something that's only ever totally hypothetical. It's just that when it comes right down to it, I'm technically not in either of those categories because I'm not romantically or sexually attracted to anyone. It's confusing. I don't spend a lot of time worrying about it because honestly I'm not too concerned with being a part of any certain community ⁠— most of the time, pretty much other than exclusively on Reddit, I don't discuss my orientation at all ⁠— but it's still something to think about. November 03, 2019 at 11:59PM

/u/osceriswatching on Weird. This kinda stuff always baffles me. (Referring to the 1st sentence)

What? That’s not shaming at all. They never called anybody odd and bizarre for taking nudes, they just expressed confusion with the practice. This is an asexual sub and should be a safe place to express feelings like these without being being accused of shaming when there was nothing even close to that in their post. There are a thousand posts on this sub saying intercourse is weird but nobody accuses those people of shaming people that have or enjoy sex. What’s the difference? November 03, 2019 at 11:58PM