
Showing posts from August 1, 2022

/u/CoeusTheCanny on Oh this is not good. As someone who fits this description (down to the age) I feel almost personally attacked.

Interestingly, research towards a cause for autism has been met with the same apprehension because a cause is typically only relevant in terms of prevention or cures. Both of which are understandably problematic. In fact, I've seen some people discuss how this may lead to a resurgence in eugenic efforts as if it can be prevented or cured, and if doctor's encourage this, then parents will take steps to do so, reducing or eliminating neurodivergency in adult populations. A bit of an extreme take, but one I can sympathise with. This can absolutely be applied to pathologising sexuality, or inherently linking a sexuality with a disorder. It implies the sexuality itself is disordered too and can or should be treated or cured. August 01, 2022 at 11:33PM


So I go to a summer-camp, and this year was the first one I would consider myself “more mature”. Anyways, there’s this girl (16 going on 17) that I (14 going on 15) kinda went on and off about liking. We talk a lot as friends in camp, but never off-camp, since she lives like 2 hours away by car, and I never in text, since I never had the courage to text her I guess. There’s always been some kind of… tension between us, but I never saw her as a dating option, since she has a boyfriend who she is crazy in-love with, and her being 2-3 years older than me, I don’t think I would be of any interest to her, and I’m totally cool with this. This year however, she might have dropped some pretty obvious hints, that I just now realised, how stupid I was to not get at the time, for example she was always talking to her friends in-front of me that if I wasn’t myself, she’d “jump on me”, but I always took it as a joke, since she had been saying it for years now. But we often went to my room to talk ...

/u/Midn8Girl on Saw this in the window of my local bookshop and couldn’t resist

Rate it from 1-5, I must know if I should buy it or not! August 01, 2022 at 11:33PM

/u/Fluid_Ad6354 on Does anyone else make like semi dirty jokes then get told but your ace

mine are sometimes like that but some will just be like why u make that joke August 01, 2022 at 11:32PM

/u/MuuhRenai on What are some really "ace" things you've thought/said?

First time I had sex, I walked all the way home (about an hour) instead just taking a Uber, because I needed time, and all I could think is "That's it? It's really boring, like, the most boring and strange thing I've ever done". And I kept thinking about it for a long time... That's also how I found out about being ace. August 01, 2022 at 11:24PM

/u/Luna-Fermosa on TIL why people keep going back to their exes.

Yeah, I don’t understand how some of the people on here truly believe that allosexual people can’t have any wants or feelings outside of sex. August 01, 2022 at 11:23PM

/u/mostlyadequatemuffin on Reminder: It’s okay to be asexual and have sex. It’s also okay to be sex repulsed. Each ace is different, and that’s okay. Let’s not gatekeep the community from aces who do have sex, and let’s not stereotype the ones who don’t as Innocent and prude. We come in various shades, and that’s okay :)

Pretty sure still that sexual means a lack of sexual attraction and sexual behavior is different from sexual orientation. I feel like the people in that other community would be like the ace version of gold star lesbians who discount anyone who isn’t a cis woman who has exclusively slept with cis women. August 01, 2022 at 11:23PM