
Showing posts from July 3, 2020

/u/assimilateborg on Is this just me?

I said I was bi when I did not know that asexuality is a thing. But I did not feel comfortable with it, as I never had sex. July 03, 2020 at 11:53PM

/u/hhhnnnnnggggggg on So I went to the Gynecologist today because I turned 21 this year and it was time and...

Yeah, I'm done with you. You can't provide any proof against my argument so now you're just attacking me and putting words into my mouth I never said. July 03, 2020 at 11:51PM

/u/Yelk-Melk on I need to talk this with someone

Aces are more likely to face emotional or phycological abuse than physical. Just because the discrimination isn't as obvious doesn't mean it's not there. Gay people were beaten up in the streets, and aces were expected to either suck it up or live alone as an old maid. Anyway, it's not a god damn competition for who was hurt more by society, LGBT+ is a collection of sexual/romantic/gender minorities. We should be holding each other up, not tearing others down because they don't fit our shallow view of the community July 03, 2020 at 11:51PM

/u/ThiighHighs on I made my mom realize that she is demisexual

To be fair not being interested in casual sex/hookups and not being sexually attracted to strangers doesn't make somebody asexual or demisexisexual. It's an extremely common experience for non-aces (myself included.) If someone wants to label that experience as demisexual they absolutely can but most people won't find it useful since it's so common. July 03, 2020 at 11:49PM

/u/shawnvel on So I went to the Gynecologist today because I turned 21 this year and it was time and...

Maybe? Were trying to get ahold of actual gynos to see if they'll do the testing but my clinic usually doesn't let you see other doctors unless yours is out. My mom's clinic refused to make her an appointment until her doctor came back from vacation. July 03, 2020 at 11:44PM

/u/LaelaM94 on Ace coloured bumblebee I crocheted. A little too big to hang off my keychain (original plan), but just means i have to make a 2nd one :D

Those cheeks! 💗 July 03, 2020 at 11:43PM

/u/ZchmeKko on Ace coloured bumblebee I crocheted. A little too big to hang off my keychain (original plan), but just means i have to make a 2nd one :D

So cute! July 03, 2020 at 11:41PM

/u/OverlyCheerfulNPC on So I went to the Gynecologist today because I turned 21 this year and it was time and...

No, you're saying it's a tool to traumatize and hurt women. Your phrasing is that it's a horrible procedure that must be avoided if at all possible because the big bad doctors want to ruin you and make it so you never get checked. Those are your words. I am saying that to avoid being checked at all is dangerous for people's health and that your fear mongering is dishonest because not enough studies have been done to prove you're right. I'm "badgering" you to stop with the fear tactics, and to not paint pap smears like Evil Doctors want to give you PTSD just for the funsies, that the unpleasant procedure is actually something meant to help people. I don't like them. I'd rather not get another. I don't harass my friends and family that don't get them. But if any of them tried saying that the procedure is unnecessary for virgins, or that it's designed intentionally emotionally traumatize virgins, I'd call them out, too. July...

/u/wateramirite on Took long, but I'm proud of it

Hope you make improvements as time goes on July 03, 2020 at 11:37PM

/u/PandaBear905 on Ace coloured bumblebee I crocheted. A little too big to hang off my keychain (original plan), but just means i have to make a 2nd one :D

Asexuabee July 03, 2020 at 11:36PM

/u/ThiighHighs on teen pregnancy

It's not always a matter of forgetting about birth control. Condoms break, Bc pills fail, I know women who've had their tubes tied that still got pregnant by accident. I have an IUD which is 99.9% effective and I could still get pregnant accidentally which is something my boyfriend and I discussed early on because we're not immature/ awkward teens. Young teens don't always have the education or resources to help prevent pregnancy and even then there isn't a guarantee no matter how careful you are. July 03, 2020 at 11:35PM

/u/stevie_luna42 on So I went to the Gynecologist today because I turned 21 this year and it was time and...

Hey, we're just giving you the definition of asexuality, no need to claim our label and call us mentally ill. But based on what you're describing, you're more just choosing to abstain from sex rather than physically not having sexual attraction. People that claim to be ace but are actually just celibate give off the wrong impression of asexuality, and reinforce harmful misconceptions. A-sexuality is, by definition, lack of sexuality. Based on your own description, you have sexuality, you just chose to not have sex. Therefore, you would probably be an allo person engaging in abstinence. It's totally fine if you don't want to have sex, but pretending to be ace is really harmful to our community. You can't just take a pre existing term used by many, make a different definition that suits you, then call the people who use the terms proper definition mentally ill. Not cool. July 03, 2020 at 11:29PM

/u/Yelk-Melk on I made a watercolor/guache painting a few days ago and it turned out subtly ace-homoro. I thought you guys would like it, even if it's a bit late for pride

Thanks! It's based on that anatomical-heart shaped rock from r/mildlyinteresting July 03, 2020 at 11:29PM

/u/hhhnnnnnggggggg on So I went to the Gynecologist today because I turned 21 this year and it was time and...

I'm not asking you to stop getting yours. You're at heightened risk, I'm only arguing for low risk individuals. I'm asking you to stop badgering other women who aren't open to it/probably don't need it and spreading misinformation. Over screening has risks and costs. I am informing women of their health options instead of appealing to tradition as you are. Everything you have claimed has been wrong. This really sounds like a 'I have to suffer so everyone else needs to too' argument. I have paps too because I'm also at increased risked, but I'm not standing here demanding that low risk women need to go submit to it for no reason and spouting off rumors with no reliable sources. You do you, but stop forcing it on others. July 03, 2020 at 11:28PM

/u/Flamebay on Considering getting a black ring to signal fellow aces. We're wearing it on the right hand middle finger, correct?

That’s good, I want that too. I’ve been having a really hard time accepting myself. I always think I’m broken. July 03, 2020 at 11:27PM

/u/ZozoPooh on I made a watercolor/guache painting a few days ago and it turned out subtly ace-homoro. I thought you guys would like it, even if it's a bit late for pride

This is really pretty! July 03, 2020 at 11:26PM

/u/hs_conspiracy on So I went to the Gynecologist today because I turned 21 this year and it was time and...

I'm not a doctor or anything but I think I read somewhere that nerves and anxiety can cause it to be uncomfortable. You have to be relaxed when anything enters or else it could really hurt. No matter how small July 03, 2020 at 11:20PM

/u/ace_ashley on Ace coloured bumblebee I crocheted. A little too big to hang off my keychain (original plan), but just means i have to make a 2nd one :D

HOW MUCH DO THEY COST I NEED IT July 03, 2020 at 11:18PM

/u/StanislavRedFox on last year during pride month I realized I was ace. this year i got my ring (just looking for a white one for the other hand, now)

Could you explain to me what's about the rings? I'm new here. :/ July 03, 2020 at 11:14PM

A disagreement on finances (kids college savings)

My wife (43) and I (41) have been together for 15 years. So what happened is that my mother beat us to the punch in creating a special kind of college savings account for our kids, that collects great interest, as well as it gets some great government grants. We set up our own account for this, but unfortunately we are not eligible to receive the grants. My wife has been telling me that she's concerned that my parents will one day turn 85 and just steal the money back and not give it to our kids. I have tried to swallow this, and accomodate her, and have not told my parents that is her reasoning for them to transfer the savings over to us. My parents have warned that we could lose interest from the transfer, as well as a few grants that are available where they live, and not here. But my wife will not listen, she is hell bent on having that money sent to us. This will require my parents to create a letter that states they are surrendering all control of the money they saved for...

Seeing more and more of them Submitted July 03, 2020 at 11:27PM

Friend of mine sent me this. Submitted July 03, 2020 at 11:45PM

Guy complains about not being able to impress women, proceeds to get called out on his changing stories, then cries "hate speech" on anyone who tried to give him critiques that he asked for. Submitted July 03, 2020 at 11:45PM