I’m definitely going to die alone.
I’m a guy, 29 years old. I’m 5’8 and I am not in horrible shape, nothing 4 solid months of clean eating and exercise wouldn’t fix. I make 60k a year, I live in a very modern apartment complex with my dog. For lack of a better way to say this next part without sounding pretentious, I’m also very attractive in the face. I often get compliments from strangers saying I look like celebrities like (young Tom cruise, young Emilio Estivez,) blah blah blah. From the outside looking in, people might find it a bit odd that I am single. People who don’t really know me that is. My friends know that I have less than zero percent confidence. Let me explain why. I had a girlfriend one time in high school… but that was 12 years ago. She was hands down the best looking girl at our school, but she only dated me cuz we grew up in a small town of 800 people and there were only 80 kids in our high school. Myself and ten others where athletes so I hung out with “the popular kids” if that’s even a thing… a...