The pressure to pursue sex, and the feeling of brokenness because we don't, are still there, but in a different context. We are often perceived as "losers", "incels", or "prudes" because we either "can't get laid" or "hate sex". A major part of masculinity in western culture is the idea of sexual conquest and a strong sex drive, so it's difficult to figure out where (or even if) you fit in. I'm in my 30's and I'm still not sure there's really a place for me in "traditional" masculinity. If, as a hetero-oriented sex-neutral Ace, I find myself in a sexual situation I feel pressure to perform. If I can't (because stress, not enough foreplay, low on libido, etc.) I can't just use lube and fake it, and then I need to comfort her and assure her that she's attractive. I am extremely offended by the idea that just because I'm a man, I must be horny all the time, or can't control mysel...