I have an allo friend. we were talking about sex frequency once (because I was shook over reading something that said you should be having sex multiple times a week) and she was like fuck that. Once a month at most. I've got shit to do. She also doesn't view sex as a need and said she could happily go without. if you think about it though, the allos must likely to talk about sex are the ones that love it. if you don't care about sex, why would you bring it up? and those that hate sex are made to feel 'abnormal.' I've seen people questioning if they're ace saying things like "I don't like sex but still experience sexual attraction, am I asexual?" well, no, of course. Ace is all about the attraction side of things, not the desire to partake in sex. I do think, though, that it shows how sex-averse allos may actually feel rejected from the allo community, or, through the massive amount of misinformation about what it means to be asexual, may ac...