
Showing posts from August 3, 2020

/u/cyanef on Do you find extremely attractive people creepy?

Unnerving in the sense that if they look perfect, they start to look exactly like all other attractive people, and I find it hard to see them as regular people. It's kind of a weird apathy uncanny valley for me, although that is possibly due to the media's portrayal of attractive people as 'mean and shallow'. August 03, 2020 at 11:57PM

/u/Direwolf202 on Today I drew our ace goddess; Artemis 💜

And Athena helps with the world conquering (and the Architecture and other stuff, but it's mainly the world conquering), it's all there. August 03, 2020 at 11:53PM

/u/Mightywonderwing on ace lizard wishes you a great day/night!!

I was gonna say this makes me feel nostalgic because I remember seeing a bunch of these when I was younger. August 03, 2020 at 11:52PM

/u/didyoueatthat on If theres any brazillians here

N tenho telegram :( August 03, 2020 at 11:51PM

/u/Mightywonderwing on Found this on r/memes.

Nothing like eating a good meal. August 03, 2020 at 11:51PM

/u/Mightywonderwing on 33 and counting 🤷‍♂️

Feel pretty much the same way here. I don't really see the point right now. Don't care if I ever lose it. August 03, 2020 at 11:49PM

/u/Mightywonderwing on 33 and counting 🤷‍♂️

You go, young Ace. Don't feel like I've been missing anything at 30 years old. August 03, 2020 at 11:47PM

/u/vitexdex on If theres any brazillians here

telegram tbm August 03, 2020 at 11:47PM

/u/Splatoonfanforever on Made a (f)Ace mask! Turned out kind of sloppy because sewing triangles is harder than I thought it’d be, but I’m happy with it.

Damnit now I want one either way great job, it looks amazing. August 03, 2020 at 11:46PM

/u/TJJ3300 on Coming soon to a bookstore near you!

Sorry, my gf already called it lol August 03, 2020 at 11:38PM

/u/Killert00ster on Me before I learned asexuality is a thing

If this isnt the biggest mood Ive ever seen then I dont know what is August 03, 2020 at 11:34PM

/u/DisastrousAce on Hay all, anyone know what happened to the asexual singer/songwriter Dearlie?

Who? August 03, 2020 at 11:32PM

/u/dog123DOGowo on Dyed my hair purple, rocking my ace colors today

Nice 👌🏽 August 03, 2020 at 11:31PM

/u/Psychopath_Snow on Throwback to one of my fav pictures of myself. A few months later, purple turned out to be a better fit than I thought... whoops

I'm really not comfortable taking pictures or anything of the sort. This one picture I really liked though 'cause it felt like it was me. I struggled with my identity for a long time, but a while back, I figured out I was on the ace spectrum. That sort of just added to my fondness of the picture. August 03, 2020 at 11:29PM

/u/yssarilrock on Dyed my hair purple, rocking my ace colors today

Looking good. Keep on keeping on. August 03, 2020 at 11:26PM

/u/yssarilrock on There's nothing better than just helping every character just because you're nice and don't want sex

Nah, Yennefer all the way. I might be ace, but Geralt sure as fuck isn't :-D August 03, 2020 at 11:22PM

/u/gabrielwoj on Asexual, or just insecure?

Also, I wanted to say there was no event in my life that made me feel like this, it's just what I feel and always felt regarding sex with someone else. August 03, 2020 at 11:20PM

/u/maddr_lurker on I need an analogy for being ace

General ace sentiment is that cake is better than sex. Or garlic bread. August 03, 2020 at 11:18PM

/u/squishielittlelizzie on Can I please have some backup?

That Q can stand for many things and lots of people prefer the acronym LGBT or LGBT+ even if their letter isn't represented by that. You don't make the rules, and you very much are trying to force people to use it and make the rules on gatekeeping. Again and again you have made it clear that people should have to use it in one way or another which is a jerk move. even here, your "but" says you expect people to use the Q and use it to mean queer regardless of their feelings about it as a word. That is forcing someone to use it And in case you hadn't noticed since it's tagged as "aphobia" there is no A in LGBT or LGBT+. doesn't make those identities less valid for the people who identify that way, but doesn't mean forcing people to use the "extended acronym" just because you want that letter in there. August 03, 2020 at 11:18PM

/u/BornAce on Well shit, I've done the test 3 times just to make sure I get the most accurate one and the 3 times I tested it never landed in the asexual area. Is it maybe because Im grey asexual maybe?

I come up as Very asexual. August 03, 2020 at 11:18PM

/u/MamaRagu954 on I need an analogy for being ace

These are great! Keep them comin’! Any others??? August 03, 2020 at 11:15PM

/u/Javin_Onah on Im not out yet, But I still want to get an ace ring. Should I get one?

Thanks I have decided to get one! August 03, 2020 at 11:14PM

Need to vent. We’d known each other for many years, finally got together, things were great, we had a hypothetical 10 year plan, he was looking at rings, but then out of nowhere he said he’d “never seen a future” and ended it. I dunno, am still healing :/

(30F) writes: The title is essentially a summary of what happened, but after mulling this over in my head for several months, I feel a need to see if I’m looking at this the wrong way. I don’t want this to happen again in a future relationship, as this really threw me for a loop. I also know that some guys are just a-holes and jerks, but things seemed so good and then were not good. I'm sorry if any of this makes me sound naive but I really don’t know what the hell happened. This is a long post, but the information included is essential for fully understanding the situation. He was 36M, and I 30F at the time of the relationship. Without further ado, here’s what happened. I’ll give some backstory so things make more sense, but for privacy reasons won’t give specifics or identifying info like names (personal or cities). ~ By the time we started dating last year, I’d known my (now ex) bf, who I'll call Mark, for around a decade. We’d met for the first time at a convention abo...