
Showing posts from August 21, 2019

How do I get my gf more open to communication during sex?

My (m19) gf (f18) and I are fairly new into our relationship and I think it’s great, however there is a few interesting little quirks (nothing at risk of damaging our relationship but nonetheless things i’d like to work out). First and foremost, both of us have slept with a decent amount of people, so we are both relatively experienced. However, she says that (it’s tough for me to buy this) that she didn’t actually know that sex was good for girls as well before we started dating, and with that she’s never had an orgasm. This is obviously something that I would like to do for her, and i’ve tried my best multiple occasions but haven’t been able to. I’m trying my best not to rush it or make it the main goal of sex so that i don’t put any pressure on her. Also, i’ve been through some emotional damage from one of my exes for not being able to make her cum and it’s kind of fucked with my sexual self esteem. My girlfriend doesn’t really talk about sex, other than saying she enjoys it an...

I don't have the energy to keep up with my(M24) GF's(F24) sex drive.

As the tittle says, I simply don't have enough gas in my tank to keep up with gf. We have been together for 3 years, and in the beginning we had sex constantly, all day every day that we spent together. Well since late July of this year we have been having sex almost as much as we did when we first got together. She regularly wakes me up for sex before she gets ready, almost every time I get home from work she wants to have sex, and a few times she has woken me up during the middle of the night to fuck. On the weekends it isn't as big a deal since we both can sleep in and all that, but even then we will go 4-5 times in a day. I love my girlfriend. I love having sex with her. Problem is I don't have the energy to supply her demand. I work a physically demanding job, I lift weights and run multiple times a week, and I do my best to maintain a social life with a few friends. She works full time, exercises, and has her own hobbies so I don't even know how she has the ene...

/u/not-my-rum on I just found this gem

Oh I really like that last statement! Thank you for pointing that out!! August 22, 2019 at 12:21AM

Me (F) and my brother want to have sex with each other - is there any world where it would be okay? (Serious)

This is something that's on my mind a lot right now, and I feel like I'm in need of some... advice? Insight? If this is the wrong subreddit to bring up the topic of incest, or if this post offends anyone, I'm sorry in advance. And sorry for my possibly weird english, I'm not a native speaker. My (older) brother and I have been talking about sleeping with each other recently. I'm in my late teens, he's in his early 20s. I'm moving in with him in September to make my life easier (school, commute, stuff like that), and the idea of some sort of "siblings with benefits" relationship got itself into our heads. It came up a few months ago as a joke, like with a meme one of us texted at the other, aaand it kinda snowballed from there. Now we talk about it a lot, and we're seriously considering giving it a try, but we're not entirely sure about it. We know it's supposed to be "wrong" but I can't really see why it would be wrong....

/u/not-my-rum on I just found this gem

This definitely doesn’t make sense to me at all. Your lack of interest in fashion is a minimal preference that exists in your life. The reason your sexual orientation is a “centerpiece” of who you are is because it directly affects the trajectory of your life. It alters the way you have to navigate through the world, and even changes your access to certain human rights, unfortunately. Additionally, fashion interest is a temporary thing. The clothing you wear today could be completely different than the clothing you wear tomorrow. And will likely be extremely different than the clothing you wear in ten years. Another thing is, hobbies or interests, like interest in golfing or not, are choices you make. There are also no cultural expectations that you will be interested in golfing, and no “corrective strategies” to make you interested in them. And no one questions whether or not you actually are not interested in golfing once you’ve disclosed you are not. Ultimately, I find this stat...

/u/nuephelkystikon on Let them eat cake

You learn about sexualities in primary school in the free world… and I'm not particularly young, so it's not like this is the hot new addition to the syllabus. August 22, 2019 at 12:19AM

/u/Careless_Dreamer on I just found this gem

Are they for real? Asexuality isn’t just “me no like sex,” it’s “I never thought anyone was cute.” When will people get that through their heads!? It’s not “I tried Chinese food and was neutral about it,” it’s “I don’t want to try this food at all, and never will.” Celibacy myths are everywhere! August 22, 2019 at 12:19AM

/u/curiousasian316 on Some guy I met yesterday asked if I have a "naughty side" 🙄

As an FYI, asexuals can absolutely have a naughty side, so you cannot use that as a reason for why you lack such a side. It’s certainly common amongst asexuals, but it’s not the defining feature of asexuals as there a number of sexually active asexuals out there. Although, I do think you should at least try sex once or twice. Not to change your sexuality or anything, but just to experiment. At 16, the thought of kissing someone grossed me out. I’ve still tried it and while it still kinda grossed me out, I can at least say I can see the potential appeal for folks, but just not for me. August 22, 2019 at 12:18AM

Hmmmm.... Submitted August 21, 2019 at 11:31PM

what a cool guy Submitted August 21, 2019 at 11:37PM

It’s probably because you look like a truck. Submitted August 21, 2019 at 11:50PM

my friend met a nice guy Submitted August 21, 2019 at 11:59PM

/u/CrAzYgIrLePiC on 🎶Chicken Nuggets🎶

You've been on the internet for a while, haven't you? August 22, 2019 at 12:08AM

/u/Snivies on ace_irl

Cred to acesaiki on Tumblr August 22, 2019 at 12:06AM

/u/Jy_sunny on Some guy I met yesterday asked if I have a "naughty side" 🙄

I'm sure you know exactly where you fit on the spectrum and I respect you for it. However, when I was 16, I was living in my conservative country and went to an all girls school. All my friends used to balk at the concept of sex, and wondered if there would ever be a time when it wouldn't gross them out. I too, agreed with them. 10 years on, 99% of them are currently going at it in healthy relationships with their boyfriends, while I am where I am, a part of this family :) What I'm trying to say is, this dude shouldn't push you, but it's not uncommon to change views on sex from your early teenage years. August 22, 2019 at 12:05AM

/u/brbdogsonfire on I need someone to talk to, and quite honestly I don't know where else to turn.

Honestly if they were just having sex it would be one thing, but allowing them to grow attached and want a relationship is an issue. I'm a sexual male dating an asexual female and have read many stories such as this. If they persue a relationship with this person and allow their feelings to grow there will come a point eventually where they will realize they cannot maintain both relationships. It's sad but I do not see it going your way if this keeps growing between them. I'd try and discuss how you feel and set boundaries, and if they know how you feel and still want to go after the other person they will ultimately be looking to replace you. Your the one they are supposed to care about so the continuing the other relationship if they know how you feel tells me all I need to know. August 22, 2019 at 12:04AM

/u/nan_slack on Story of my life.

"where's my hug" oh god how creepy August 22, 2019 at 12:02AM

/u/not-my-rum on Part 2 to my last post

This is the same mindset as “corrective rape” strategies. Trying to send you explicit images without your consent with the intent to “fix you” or “proving you wrong.” Absolutely disgusting, and truly horrible. August 22, 2019 at 12:01AM

/u/inextesie on Some guy I met yesterday asked if I have a "naughty side" 🙄

🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃 August 22, 2019 at 12:00AM

/u/11311441 on I feel unlovable

thank you August 22, 2019 at 12:00AM

/u/shieldtoadinquisitor on How did you handle fluctuating/gray romantic interest in someone you’re dating?

Yeah I’m wondering if it’s just because relationships are kind of new to me. I’d been single for almost a decade before him, so everything is unfamiliar and therefore scary. But I do wanna put the effort in, that’s gotta count for something. :) August 21, 2019 at 11:57PM

/u/samiroses94 on Part 2 to my last post

This lil boy has no idea how invasive and ridiculous he is being. I’m sure part of him really is ‘just curious’, but it’s not okay to use that as an excuse to treat people like they are a game/puzzle that someone hasn’t solved yet. August 21, 2019 at 11:55PM