
Showing posts from February 14, 2022

Worried I'm not acting interested enough after first dates?

I'm a female in her 20s dating men. When I've only gone on one date with a guy, even if I've had a nice time, I'm worried I'm not showing I'm interested enough. I'm usually a little reserved on first dates, trying not to get too invested too fast, or come on too strong, etc. I'm just getting to know a person! And I want to act in a way that feels organic to me. At the end of the date I'll say what a great time I had. A few dates recently, I've gone on and they've gone really well. The guy will say he had a great time at the end, or even that they want to see me again. I'll say great, I'd like that too. And then I never hear from the, again? I'm worried if there's something I'm doing on my end to show a lack of interest. Or maybe the guys just aren't that interested in me. I've found too in these cases, that if they don't text me within a day, and/or I'm the one to text first, it's pretty much guarante...

/u/CelikBas on There’s bi-panic, (pan)ic, and gay panic… what do you consider ace/aro panic?

When someone sexually propositions you or asks you out on a date and you try to come up with a plausible excuse that will make them go away without asking any further questions February 15, 2022 at 12:05AM

/u/Cloudy_Melancholy on I'm panicking.

Ah cool. Katy Perry is a good singer. Thank you. I needed that. You do the same. February 15, 2022 at 12:04AM

Is he into me?

I (25F) recently come out of a long relationship and am sort of new to the OLD game. I met this guy who I think is very attractive.. although, he doesn't text much and talks a lot about himself... I'm having a hard time telling if he's just not into me or just doesn't have great social awareness (He's kind of nerdy) and I should message him. Things that told me he was interested - Used the extend feature on Bumble when time was running out. - Asked me out for drinks early than what we had previously scheduled. - Bought our drinks (which came out to about 50 dollars because I got wine) - Seemed excited to talk to me. - We went back to his place and hooked up. He seemed interested in what I liked and what I wanted/ how to make me cum. - A couple minutes later we went for round two. - Tells me how hot/ attractive I am. - Tells me the next day that it was super fun and when I thanked him for drinks he said, anytime. - When I asked if he wanted to see me again he said ...

How do I tell this girl I like her

Basically, In school i had a crush on this girl but never said anything because I was very shy in school. She had given fairly obvious signs she liked me and I others even said it to me. Now 2 years out of school I’m talking to her as friends (we were always very good friends) I want to tell her I like her but she’s known for being a bit of a F Girl. To be honest I’d rather hook up etc but not be serious because I know I’d get hurt. I haven’t really got anything to lose by telling her because we’re not close enough that it would ruin the friendship if I told her. I’m just curious as to what’s the best way to tell her Submitted February 15, 2022 at 12:15AM Basically, In school i had a crush on this girl but never said anything because I was very shy in school. She had given fairly obvious signs she liked me and I others even said it to me. Now 2 years out of school I’m talking to her as friends (we were always very good friends) I want to tell her I like her but she’s known for b...

/u/404error4321 on Concrete evidence for asexuality (not a hate post, please read)

Yeah, I know I should move on and I definitely made a lot of the arguments that you mentioned to them, but I'm also just so tired of letting people get away with invalidating aces, I guess? I'm also generally an argumentative person, so I find it hard to let go of things... Obviously I don't view being ace as a disorder, and even if I did I would see it as an advantage as you said, so that wouldn't really bother me. Thanks for the validation anyway :D February 14, 2022 at 11:46PM