We had only dated for 5 weeks, but it was quite intense with lots of long calls, texting and meeting up, being intimate etc. A week ago she told me her ex wants her back and now she's confused and can't lead me on. She also said multiple times i should continue dating, which tells me she doesn't really want me. I'm feeling absolutely heartbroken, like the worst pain ever, but maybe i'm over reacting? I did have a few gut-feeling signs that might not mean anything, or maybe they do, i dont know. The 2nd date we had at my place i actually felt bad anxiety when she took a long time to leave after our date, but maybe i was just tired. Also after a few weeks of dating her i started to feel like i was losing myself a bit, can't explain it, but just like things felt different within myself or a little off. Furthermore, i had trouble getting hard during intimacy twice, but this might've just been nerves. Also, the last time i met up with her, it felt so awkward f...