
Showing posts from May 7, 2021

/u/GreyJ5595 on LESBIACE or ACEBIAN

Why “bambi” lesbian? May 08, 2021 at 01:27AM

/u/CaptainMuffin7 on It's International Space Day

✨SPAAAAAAAAAACE✨ May 08, 2021 at 01:27AM

/u/Different-Cover4819 on What is the personality of the asexual community?

Yeah, and Tom Riddle was just curious about Horcruxes. 🙄 May 08, 2021 at 01:27AM

/u/MidnightWolfwalker on Recently discovered I'm asexual so I crocheted (one of my hobbies) a bee to celebrate :) some have dubbed this type of be a sexuali-bee haha so hope you enjoy!

So cute!! May 08, 2021 at 01:24AM

/u/cat_romance on Why does representation matter to some of you people? (I'm ace myself, so this isn't aphobia)

As a 30 year old, not much. But as a 30 year old who didn't know being asexual was a thing until 28... it might have helped me figure out way earlier that I don't need to keep having sex with a bunch of dudes to find the magic penis. There is no magic penis that will make me like sex. And now that I know that my life is so much better. May 08, 2021 at 01:24AM

/u/hurley8604 on Nope, don't need a pregnancy test

Wow, I've never had someone insist on an exact date. Usually if I hesitate I get told to put down roughly when. I used to be able to predict it down to the hour, but when asked I could only remember the week. And how is putting virgin more invasive than exact date?! That's just weird logic. May 08, 2021 at 01:24AM

/u/Nerddess on Nope, don't need a pregnancy test

I went in for an MRI, and they needed me to fill out some form saying whether there was a chance I'm pregnant and when my last period was. For shits and giggles I skipped the period question, and the nurse came back out and said I had to answer. So I just put a general month and she came back out again and said I had to put the exact date. So I looked her in the eye and said "why not just save everybody time upfront and let me put an option to say I'm a virgin? Because I'm a virgin." She kinda laughed and said "that might be too invasive to ask." Bitch you just demanded I recount the exact day I had my last period and wouldn't have accepted the possibility that I don't track that shit, thereby forcing me not only to track my periods for my entire menstrual life whether I want to or not, but to divulge of my bodily drainage details regardless of my repeated insistence that the thing you're trying to check for is NOT POSSIBLE. I would honestl...

/u/ambrosialeah on What Ace are you?

I’m not big on garlic or cake. 😔 If I eat cake, it’s got to be plain without frosting. May 08, 2021 at 01:13AM

/u/dadbot_3000 on Found this on Instagram @justacesofficial, thought I'd share this here:)

Glad I could be a good bot :) Here is a joke: I wanted to take pictures of the fog this morning but I mist my chance. I guess I could dew it tomorrow! :D May 08, 2021 at 01:12AM

/u/gatemansgc on Found this on Instagram @justacesofficial, thought I'd share this here:)

good bot May 08, 2021 at 01:12AM

/u/supermassivenova on What is the personality of the asexual community?

it is definitely one of those outside looking in like things. people who are not familiar with ace people and the aspec community think that asexual = no sex and thus are naive and child like, along with common things in the community being obsessed with dragons and space, all lead to this stereotype. it is obviously not a generalization and some ace people do have sex and have sexual interests and are not immature. i do see a common theme that many ace people have interests that may be considered child like, cartoons, minecraft, etc. and that can definitely be used in defense of the stereotype but i think it is a great thing to be interested in such media, they usually have good messages and are just fun, nothing wrong with it at all. May 08, 2021 at 01:10AM

/u/dadbot_3000 on Found this on Instagram @justacesofficial, thought I'd share this here:)

Hi a sex-repulsed kinky ace with an extreme fetish, I'm Dad! :) May 08, 2021 at 01:08AM

/u/Lear1987 on LESBIACE or ACEBIAN

I prefer Lesbiace for the formatting matching up with the order AroAce uses. I voted for Acebian because if you ever have to say it aloud it has a better flow. May 08, 2021 at 01:08AM

/u/gatemansgc on Found this on Instagram @justacesofficial, thought I'd share this here:)

i'm a sex-repulsed kinky ace with an extreme fetish, i know how it feels to be weird! May 08, 2021 at 01:08AM

/u/_Silver_Sins_ on My school's biology book, I'd rather not

Had exactly one sex ed class, my teacher said something along the lines off "you will all have sex one day" and i went "F u i'm ace" (in my head obviously) and then i just zoned out until the bell rang May 08, 2021 at 01:07AM

/u/imalittlespider on My school's biology book, I'd rather not

All my friends: Yaa ya dick how do french people have sex hahahah baguette Me: why May 08, 2021 at 01:03AM

/u/steamed3gg on Vibes of ace

lmao Johnny May 08, 2021 at 01:02AM