My ex (20M) and I (20M) broke up this past winter because he felt like he couldn’t provide what he needed in the relationship. Essentially it boiled down to him thinking I was better off without him; he had low self-esteem, and thought I was upset because he couldn’t hang out much due to his crazy school / work schedule. He also had pressure from his parents, whom he was closeted to. Anyways, it was really difficult for both of us. We were very in love, and for me, I didn’t really think it had to end, but of course it wasn’t my decision to make. We talked for a few weeks, then went quiet for a couple months. Up until about a month ago, we texted maybe once every few weeks, usually I initiated contact. But then a month ago he started talking to me again; asking how I am, what I’m up to, how the family is. He then kind of rambled on (in text) saying how he really missed me, and he’s “tortured” by the thought of me / missing “us”, and he feels so guilty for what happened. And he wishes...