
Showing posts from January 27, 2022

/u/Seiliko on What does your asexuality feel like?

I've always found sex unappealing. I remember when I was like 13, I couldn't make sense of homosexuality because I couldn't imagine why anyone would ever want to have sex if it wasn't to have kids. So surely there had to be something not quite right about it? And then later in life I learned that people actually had sex because they enjoyed it.... What a concept lmao. I am to this day very sex repulsed. It's just not my cup of tea. But as I like to say to avoid misunderstandings: I don't think anyone is gross for having sex. I think of it like eating mushrooms. I find mushrooms gross. But I don't find people gross for eating mushrooms. A little crazy perhaps, but not gross ;) January 28, 2022 at 12:27AM

/u/allo100 on Til: a prairie dog's mating window is just one hour a year. Just learned this on Bones. S12:E10.

I forgot to say this was said by Dr Mayer (Played by the great Betty White). January 28, 2022 at 12:25AM

/u/TellMeImCool522 on I think I'm going to fail my family and I feel awful

lol i've actually considered saying that, but i can imagine it being one of the most awkward conversations i'll have with them. honestly, they probably wouldn't let me get much words out before saying i'm lying (because any orientation is just loud annoying noise to them) but yeah, good point about sex being bad in the Bible January 28, 2022 at 12:24AM

Possible Mental Health Attachment Issues. Should I Bring it up?

Ran into this utterly gorgeous girl at my complex nearly half a year ago. Breathtakingly pretty even without makeup. Most of our values, humor, political views, and even upbringing seem similar to each other. From the start I got her number and we have on and off texted for most of the last half a year. Hung out a few times here and there. But there were these vicious cycles, at my own expense, that happened every time it was getting closer to going on an actual date. The cycles consisted of talking a lot over text and in person (hour+ in person here and there). Maybe hanging out in a friendly environment, then me asking for a date, her agreeing, and then starting to really distance herself leading to me to kind of bring it up and just be up front about my feelings. This would lead her to really distance herself. To the point of just not responding to the text for a long time and then being vague when she finally did get back about it. Obviously it made her uncomfortable. For the lo...

Am I doing something wrong?

I (M16) am talking with this girl (F16) we’ll call F. It has been 4 almost 5 months since we started talking, yet I feel amiss, and she has her issues with me. Basically, she asked for 3 things, for us to hang out outside of school, for me to ask her out officially, and for me to kiss her. Meanwhile I’m over here questioning myself. I get severely anxious for no reason whatsoever, I make dumb decisions like tell her when I have an issue I give myself for no reason. And she knows what she wants from me, I don’t know what I want from her bc i like where we are, we hold hands n stuff, I do wanna ask her out, cuz I can’t lose that, but I’m afraid my mental health will decrease if I do. I’m afraid of change, and I don’t want this to take over my life, cuz school and family are more important. How do I know my life was easier before? Is this right for me? Cuz whenever I get anxious it goes away after support but comes back. And I’m tired of getting anxious all the time and I’m upset becau...

/u/lnlyextrovert on What does your asexuality feel like?

I identify as aegosexual- i’m very uncomfortable with being a part of sex, but I’m okay with solo things. Sometimes sex can be okay too if it’s with someone i trust but i never desire to be with someone else if that makes sense. I just don’t understand being sexually attracted to someone, anytime I’ve had an interest in someone it’s always been about their personality. I find people attractive (aesthetically speaking) but even that doesn’t necessarily mean I’m interested in them. It’s complicated to explain but i feel like doing stuff but myself is fine because there’s no mess and it can be enjoyable, but with other people i’m genuinely grossed out by the mess it makes and how dirty your body gets while doing it. The few times I have done it I really had to focus on relaxing and enjoy the intimacy it brings with my partner. Sometimes it can be enjoyable too. Though I know this is a pretty unconventional way of experiencing asexuality, I still identify as asexual because after 22 years...

/u/FreakWhoDraws209 on What does your asexuality feel like?

I always saw sexual attraction from the perspective of like a scientist observing a weird phenomenon. Always looking out at it all from the margins. I never felt left out or upset that I didn't know what attraction felt like, I was just neutral about it, and didn't know that it was asexuality. When I eventually came across the label, my main reaction was just "Oh. Huh. So that's a thing now, I guess", and not much more. I was never interested in relationships before finding out anyway (due to social anxiety and haphephobia), and I guess I'm glad I found an answer before I began questioning myself later on 🙃 January 27, 2022 at 11:30PM