Three of my exes are still in love with me and I have no idea what to do. One of them, who I will call Green I dated less than a year ago. And even after we broke up we stayed good friends and they’ve never had a problem with any of my other exes or partners. They were super sweet, and always felt open with me and I always felt comfortable with them. Then there’s Purple, who I dated after Green, who I immediately had a connection with and we dated for 7 months, but I never felt like he loved me even when he told me he did. He had depression episode lasting about 3 months due to something that had happened over the school year, and even then I was incredibly supportive and made sure he was doing okay. After some time he broke up with me because he didn’t feel anything for me, and he didn’t want to hurt me. So I took the time to try and move on and just focus on myself, when my best friend introduced me to her friend, who we’ll call Blue. Blue happened to be my type, check all the boxes...