
Showing posts from November 30, 2023

/u/-mothling on Asexual retail workers, do certain products embarrass you?

I work book retail so no sex products, but we carry books on sex and have carried Penthouse mags in the past and i've always been one of the least awkward of my coworkers with them because i just mostly Don't Care. So if a customer leaves a penthouse in the men's bathroom or something i'm fine taking it and throwing it away, when other coworkers get really upset/grossed out. Only times I feel a little embarrassed are when a customer spends forever looking through sex books or there was a time when I checked out a coworker who was buying a sex book and I felt a little awkward haha. November 30, 2023 at 11:14PM

/u/Mission-Lie2068 on How are you guys’ experience on dating apps?

You’re welcome! :) November 30, 2023 at 11:12PM

/u/DysfunctionalDomo on How are you guys’ experience on dating apps?

Thank your for this information 😭💙 November 30, 2023 at 11:08PM

/u/CrumbsThatWasAce on Ngl it kinda bothers me that the game everyone widely says is a must play GOTY has tons of NSFW and suggestive scenes

Ace and aro people aren’t lonely just because they don’t want s*x or a relationship November 30, 2023 at 11:07PM