/u/Slight-Donkey-4326 on Aces are valid!
The original commenter asked that we generally use the term for people. I responded letting them know why not everyone is comfortable with the term. You then commented in a way that I interpreted as you saying that you were tired of people saying they felt uncomfortable with the term. I also got the idea that you were saying not liking being called queer was buying into terf stuff. If that’s not what you meant then I do apologise, but certainly this comment thread has not just been about how people want themselves to be called. Also, I’m not identifying with the full acronym. When talking about people being lgbtq+ we aren’t saying they identify with every aspect of the acronym we are saying they belong to it. For example, I’m not intersex, and saying I’m lgbtq+ doesn’t mean that I am. It’s an easy way to refer to someone under the umbrella if you aren’t familiar with the specifics. Just like how u want queer to be used, but I’m just saying when in doubt it’s safer to use the acronym w...