
Showing posts from December 27, 2021

/u/bemch on Biological Children

Oooh! That's good. Most of mine are kind of uncommon so I feel like they'd understand? I love Calliope, Sasha, Avalon, and Quincy. So I feel like they could kinda go either way? Maybe? December 28, 2021 at 03:43AM

/u/limarri on I got called nothing but a "creature" due to my asexuality

Why do people think it's okay to say something like that? Throw the whole person in the garbage December 28, 2021 at 03:42AM

/u/PrincipessaEboli on What were the things that kept you from seeing yourself as Ace?

Well first of all the fact that I didn’t even know what asexuality was, second of all the fact that I feel romantic attraction towards men. December 28, 2021 at 03:42AM

/u/Callida360 on Biological Children

Jamie, Mason, Kristen, Alex, These are all options. I really like androgynous names, because they sound the best. But ya know if they do decide to change what they are, they dont have to hate the gendered name I gave them. December 28, 2021 at 03:41AM

/u/Avolakialover115 on Am I ace?

Sexual attraction is attraction on the basis of sexual desire or the quality of arousing such interest. If you feel no sexual attraction towards people, you are asexual. If it is variable or difficult to explain, look into some of the microlabels under asexuality. However, based on what you’ve said, it’s most likely that you just feel dysphoria about your genitalia.. which.. same. Regardless, you’re valid and I’m sorry sex weird :/ December 28, 2021 at 03:40AM

/u/Very_Sticky_Fingers on I feel like as a sex-repulsed ace, I will not find a partner that is willing to agree with the boundaries that I want set concerning sexual stuff in our relationship

As a now 21y.o who had (and still has) these exact insecurities, here's my take on it: You are the #1 person to care about in your life. Your boundaries are established with only yourself in mind and should be respected. Cross the line = get shot (figuratively) Being ace really feels intimidating, but don't see it like ace vs. allo . It's more like ace & gays & lesbians & bisexuals & heteros & pans & omnis (so on and so forth). I'll let you in on a secret: as Ace F, you can date lesbians, bisexuals, pans, omnis and heteros. Everyone has trouble dating, yet your (a)sexuality shouldn't be a reason to be ashamed. Quite the contrary: gays, lesbians and bisexuals say it openly; it makes it easier to navigate dating, people who aren't into them just walk away by themselves. Being open about who you are is the best way to date in a self-affirming way, and increases the chances of finding someone with whom you are compatible. Patience. Dat...

Noob question: How to keep someone interested? Is it even necessary?

Hey everyone, I know this might a stupid question or I'm overthinking everything but I'm pretty new to dating in general so any advice on anything is greatly appreciated :) So here's the situation, I [M19] met this really cool girl [F20] on Tinder. We immediately hit it off and moved on to talk on our Instagram accounts. After talking for a day or so, we made plans and went on a coffee date. According to me, it went pretty well, we had a lot in common and surprisingly there wasn't any awkward silence. We made plans to watch a movie at but didn't go too much into detail as to when or where. After the date I walked with her most of the way to her place since we apparently live pretty close by and... I think I fucked up but not too hard I hope. When we said goodbye I could tell she wanted me to make a move but earlier she told me she had been in contact with someone who had covid and I needed to get on a plane the next day to see my family and I couldn't risk it...

hanging out w. dude (29/m) me (22/f)

just curious we just hanging, but if i was just like “wanna fuck?” would that be bad ? Submitted December 28, 2021 at 02:12AM just curious we just hanging, but if i was just like “wanna fuck?” would that be bad ?

/u/Dragonwysper on I don't get why boobs are sexualized.

? December 28, 2021 at 01:25AM

Dating at 23 seems difficult

I don't understand why women don't take me seriously im 23 in community college I have my own place I live in a small college town and the girls here don't seem to wanna talk to you unless your in a frat house or drinking at bars I have went to a few bars it's usually dull loney and no girls mostly unless it's a college bar but even then half the girls iv met forget to add my snap chat back or add me wake up next day to unadd me I don't really have much experience im a decent looking guy I would say 6ft 1 i am confident as well I don't have problems approaching women the problem is the women don't seem interested and don't talk to me more then 3 mins or less iv even tried going out with buddy's to make it a little easier but then the bros just take the girls I end up talking to home so i dont understand i want to find a real long term connection with someone but I guess nobody wants to build something real here 😊iv tried dating apps too but the...

/u/Not_Machines on What were the things that kept you from seeing yourself as Ace?

Confusing romantic and aesthetic attraction for sexual attraction and confusing arousal for sexual attraction. December 28, 2021 at 12:38AM

/u/AceSmeghead on TW: aphobia. I hoped to educate someone, but realised my username might do more harm then good here...

Is sharing furniture a sin? December 28, 2021 at 12:38AM

Why do men say what you want to hear to get you in bed?

Why do so many guys charm, say what they want to us women to hear, sleep with us then bail? And don’t act as interested as before, they then pop up a month later acting like they are again? I don’t get why guys do that.. Submitted December 28, 2021 at 12:13AM Why do so many guys charm, say what they want to us women to hear, sleep with us then bail? And don’t act as interested as before, they then pop up a month later acting like they are again? I don’t get why guys do that..