
Showing posts from December 2, 2021

Idk what to text

So me and this girl were seeing each other for a couple weeks it fizzled out and last time we talked she didn’t respond to a text most tell me I shouldn’t text at all but I think it would be alright at the very least she would respond. I was thinking just say “hey, been thinking about you recently wanted to see how your doin” something along those lines Submitted December 03, 2021 at 01:06AM So me and this girl were seeing each other for a couple weeks it fizzled out and last time we talked she didn’t respond to a text most tell me I shouldn’t text at all but I think it would be alright at the very least she would respond. I was thinking just say “hey, been thinking about you recently wanted to see how your doin” something along those lines

Outside view ?

I try to give my gf her own time to do what et she pleases as sometimes it’s nice to do your own thing and enjoy her time to herself, so on Sunday I asked her to have a day to herself on a day normally we see each other , she said no it’s ok the day after will be my time , the day arrives and she never brought up hanging out or anything and eventually called me saying she’s just going to do her own thing. Which is fine I just wish communication was there so I could plan my day instead of scrapping it thinking we would chill. Just seems like no respect is given for my time? During the convo she said well u offered and I took it, but she said no originally , and when I asked for just more clear communication she called me controlling, am I doing something wrong here? Submitted December 03, 2021 at 01:15AM I try to give my gf her own time to do what et she pleases as sometimes it’s nice to do your own thing and enjoy her time to herself, so on Sunday I asked her to have a day to he

/u/StericHindrances on Grossed out by sex but feels sexual attraction

“and want to have sex in the future. I mean, idk what the attraction part feels like to you, but you can totally be ace and want to have sex at some point. “Problem is that I find sex in real life to be gross. I m@sturbate and have sex in my dreams and always enjoy it but find sex with someone else (boy or girl) gross. What is wrong with me? sounds like the stuff we talk about over on r/aegosexuals maybe you’re gray ace, maybe you’re demisexual, maybe your aegosexual or a combo, or maybe what you ID’d as attraction wasn’t really sexual attraction in the strong sense. But it’s all fine. Sometimes maybe feeling some sexual attraction doesn’t eject you from the ace umbrella. December 02, 2021 at 11:20PM

/u/cutielemon07 on I was told that I'm "not gay" because I'm asexual.

Well, if you’re asexual, you can’t be biromantic, clearly. It’s so obvious! /s December 02, 2021 at 11:13PM

/u/IntellectualAsexual on Debunking literall "Sex= Everything better" with logic and reason

The same health benefits are triggered by cardio and exercise. No sex needed. December 02, 2021 at 11:12PM

/u/Sgtmeg on I was told that I'm "not gay" because I'm asexual.

I-- they could date ANOTHER homoromantic asexual. This post isn't even about dating allos as an ace, it's about gatekeeping a word. If you're going to start reaching to things this post isn't even about to pretend you not having basic comprehension skills is a community problem then I'm done. My allo, straight partner has had no problem being with me for the past 5 years or understanding that I'm ace, but also romantically attracted to both men and women. The "real world" isn't as shallow as you seem to think it is, and it's one we ALL live in. December 02, 2021 at 11:10PM

/u/Cheshie_D on Debunking literall "Sex= Everything better" with logic and reason

If really does give off those vibes December 02, 2021 at 11:10PM

Is FWB going to mess me up?

I am thinking of finding someone to regularily hook up with. I wouldn't be a person you would consider a typical FWB seeking guy, but I feel like maybe this could supplement some of my needs for the time being. I have no reason to engage in a true relstionship now. I am leaving the country in a few months for studying and I also am very preoccupied with work. I was thinking that maybe FWB could make it easier for me to push forward, while not starting to feel lonely. I am kinda afraid of catching feelings though. I do it quite easily, and it might turn out very bad if if goes south. On the other hand, if I were to stick only to sex, maybe this wouldn't be a problem. Submitted December 03, 2021 at 12:50AM I am thinking of finding someone to regularily hook up with. I wouldn't be a person you would consider a typical FWB seeking guy, but I feel like maybe this could supplement some of my needs for the time being. I have no reason to engage in a true relstionship now. I

M20 virgin, really nervous about tomorrow.

So I’ve been seeing this girl for about two weeks now, we met through OLD and vibe well with each other. Yesterday was our 4th time meeting up and we kind of made out in my car. She then invited me to dinner tomorrow and I’m really nervous what’s gonna happen. Even though I’m happy and excited to meet her, I’m nervous that I’ll mess things up, I’m very bad at reading situations. I’ll be sure to take protection with me. But where do hold a girl when kissing her or making out? Or how do you go forward and progress in the act? Will it all come naturally? Please send some motivation 🙏 Submitted December 03, 2021 at 12:52AM So I’ve been seeing this girl for about two weeks now, we met through OLD and vibe well with each other.Yesterday was our 4th time meeting up and we kind of made out in my car. She then invited me to dinner tomorrow and I’m really nervous what’s gonna happen.Even though I’m happy and excited to meet her, I’m nervous that I’ll mess things up, I’m very bad at re

Is my dick small orrr

I have done cowgirl, ben rode like a motorcycle, and other positions with other girls that I can’t do with my current gf. Like my dick is to short to even fuck in those positions. She’s a bit taller and heavier than the other girls I’ve been with but I don’t see why that makes a difference. Is my dick just smaller than I thought or does body type weight height effect the positions you can do w someone Submitted December 03, 2021 at 12:53AM I have done cowgirl, ben rode like a motorcycle, and other positions with other girls that I can’t do with my current gf. Like my dick is to short to even fuck in those positions. She’s a bit taller and heavier than the other girls I’ve been with but I don’t see why that makes a difference. Is my dick just smaller than I thought or does body type weight height effect the positions you can do w someone

Can I overcome sex phobia?

Hello everyone, I’m a 25 year old man who has never been sexually active but I’ve been thinking recently about how if a miracle did occur and I met someone who was sexually interested in me that I’m too scared to actually have sex. I would be overcome with performance anxiety due to both lack of knowledge from being an ‘older’ virgin and the general anxiety I have that would cause me to either not work or work way too quickly. Also, I couldn’t get naked with them as I’d be too scared to be seen without clothes, I don’t even like wearing shorts sleeves because of my weird looking body. All of this would mean that I’d have to turn down a potential partner as it would be such an unpleasant experience for both of us Is it possible to fully overcome these fears and anxieties and is it even worth trying given that I can’t foresee it ever being a problem in the future? Submitted December 03, 2021 at 12:53AM Hello everyone, I’m a 25 year old man who has never been sexually active but I

Need advise/suggestions on this certain topic

So my gf(24f) and I(28m) have been together forever 6 years and the relationships been great. Awesome communication and great sex. We recently went on vacation and had a blast (ton of sex haha). On vacation we took some photos while doing stuff, nothing too revealing but still sexual. We both have been talking about sharing them on Reddit but we don’t know if we should or not. They don’t show are faces but we’re still a little torn whether we should do it or not. What do y’all think? And no I don’t need any dudes telling us or messaging us to share them with them cuz you will get blocked. While talking about sharing pics she said she wants to see what other women would say about them. We also talked about bringing another girl into bed with us but we’re also torn on that. Neither of us have ever had a threesome and she’s never been with a girl but she thinks it would be fun. I’m personally afraid that she just likes the idea but if we do it she could get jealous if I touch the other g

Sex and ejaculation after 6 beers at 2am

I failed last night.😫 Would you guys in your mid 40s have no problem finishing I this scenario with your steady gf, or might it be a challenge? Hope I'm not alone I'm this quagmire?! Submitted December 03, 2021 at 12:56AM I failed last night.😫Would you guys in your mid 40s have no problem finishing I this scenario with your steady gf, or might it be a challenge? Hope I'm not alone I'm this quagmire?!

Relationship anxiety

Crossposted in relationship_advice So I’m (f 26) in a new relationship with a really sweet guy (m27). We’re taking it slow but we really like each other. When we hang out I feel great around him and afterwards I’m happy for a while. Unfortunately, our schedules are opposite so we don’t get to see each other consistently. On the days I don’t get to see him I have anxiety spirals and my thoughts just go around things he said and then my thoughts escalate to the worst case scenario. By the end of the day, I believe he’s just using me, manipulating me, conning me, lying to me, etc. I plan on confronting him about it when I see him again but then when I see him things are so great that I realize I’ve just been spiraling. It’s really taking a toll on my mind and I don’t think he realizes what is going on because when we’re together it’s good. I really have no reason to think he actually is doing anything wrong and I don’t want my anxiety to get in the way of what could be a fantastic rela

Not sure if the girl wants to go on a second date

So, I met someone online, and after talking a bit, she casually asked what's my preferred date spot, and we agreed on a place to meet up. She rescheduled what we initially planned for, which I found reasonable, because things happen, plans change. So we finally met on the day and time she suggested. Our conversation kinda went like a therapy session with probably a bit too much depth for a first date. She and I are in the same profession and have similar career goals, so the entire time kind of went by in that topic only. After parting our ways and reaching home, I texted her this: Me: Hope you got home safe. I had an awesome time with you, hopefully we can see each other again soon! (If you feel like it too, obviously :) ) Her: Yup! Got home safe! Thanks for checking up on me ☺️ Me: 👍 😄 Have a good night! Her: No response Now, I think our date went relatively okay, but the fact that she stalled my proposal of going out again makes me think she isn't interested. Howe

How bad is it out here for a divorced single mom of 2 🤦🏾‍♀️

To be specific , a financially , mentally, emotionally stable and 50/50 joint custody , meaning that she can make time for dating with out failing to make sure her kids are being prioritized . I’ve heard horror stories about the dating scene and how it can be a nightmare for single moms who are ready and willing to put time into the special person in their life. Thanks guys! Submitted December 03, 2021 at 12:01AM To be specific , a financially , mentally, emotionally stable and 50/50 joint custody , meaning that she can make time for dating with out failing to make sure her kids are being prioritized . I’ve heard horror stories about the dating scene and how it can be a nightmare for single moms who are ready and willing to put time into the special person in their life. Thanks guys!

I (24M) been ghosted 8 times in 10 months, 4 cases in which I was stood up.

I don't want to sound entitled, but I'm not even being given the time of day - Is it really this common for women to ghost men on tinder? My first partner cheated on me, would be nice to even have a shot Submitted December 03, 2021 at 12:03AM I don't want to sound entitled, but I'm not even being given the time of day - Is it really this common for women to ghost men on tinder? My first partner cheated on me, would be nice to even have a shot

Is this dm okay?

Normally at work, school, with friends talking with girls is normal and i dont feel such pressure. But DMing a girl that catches my eye is straight up nerve wracking. I feel like just being direct and dming this girl that followed me back “Hey we followed each other a little while ago, ive always thought you were really cute, and since we both go to X university, was wondering if u wanted to get to know each other?” Ladies ik its nothing witty or special but is it appropriate? Submitted December 03, 2021 at 12:08AM Normally at work, school, with friends talking with girls is normal and i dont feel such pressure. But DMing a girl that catches my eye is straight up nerve wracking. I feel like just being direct and dming this girl that followed me back “Hey we followed each other a little while ago, ive always thought you were really cute, and since we both go to X university, was wondering if u wanted to get to know each other?” Ladies ik its nothing witty or special but is it app

Girlfriend wants to meet my parents

Hey guys hope everyone is well… So my girlfriend (23) asked when can she start coming over to my place to hang out and wants to meet my parents, to me this feels like a big big step as I’ve never brought a girl home before to meet my family… (I’ve mainly had one nighters with the girls I’ve been with and this was at university) I’m afraid that my dad who’s an alcoholic will be acting out of line and my mum/ 2 sisters will be a bit intimidating, am I being paranoid because she might be the first real gf or is it better to postpone it for as long as I can?? Submitted December 03, 2021 at 12:13AM Hey guys hope everyone is well…So my girlfriend (23) asked when can she start coming over to my place to hang out and wants to meet my parents, to me this feels like a big big step as I’ve never brought a girl home before to meet my family… (I’ve mainly had one nighters with the girls I’ve been with and this was at university)I’m afraid that my dad who’s an alcoholic will be acting out o

Do women actually like sexually charged opening messages on dating apps?

So I have this friend who is constantly getting laid and talking to women and gets tons of matches on Tinder. In an attempt to help me with my failures, he advised me to send them a really sexual opening message because they for sure will read it and remember it as they get tons of nice, cute messages every day but they won’t remember or respond. Any woman I’ve seen talk about this says women hate this but just from what I see, my friend is looking like he’s right. I mean he showed me how when he sent sexual messages most girls responded, and most did positively. I rarely get matches and I try to send thought out messages but they never get respnses. Do women secretly like sexual messages? Submitted December 03, 2021 at 12:16AM So I have this friend who is constantly getting laid and talking to women and gets tons of matches on Tinder. In an attempt to help me with my failures, he advised me to send them a really sexual opening message because they for sure will read it and r