Is this dm okay?

Normally at work, school, with friends talking with girls is normal and i dont feel such pressure. But DMing a girl that catches my eye is straight up nerve wracking. I feel like just being direct and dming this girl that followed me back “Hey we followed each other a little while ago, ive always thought you were really cute, and since we both go to X university, was wondering if u wanted to get to know each other?” Ladies ik its nothing witty or special but is it appropriate?

Submitted December 03, 2021 at 12:08AM

Normally at work, school, with friends talking with girls is normal and i dont feel such pressure. But DMing a girl that catches my eye is straight up nerve wracking. I feel like just being direct and dming this girl that followed me back “Hey we followed each other a little while ago, ive always thought you were really cute, and since we both go to X university, was wondering if u wanted to get to know each other?” Ladies ik its nothing witty or special but is it appropriate?


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