Is FWB going to mess me up?

I am thinking of finding someone to regularily hook up with. I wouldn't be a person you would consider a typical FWB seeking guy, but I feel like maybe this could supplement some of my needs for the time being. I have no reason to engage in a true relstionship now. I am leaving the country in a few months for studying and I also am very preoccupied with work. I was thinking that maybe FWB could make it easier for me to push forward, while not starting to feel lonely. I am kinda afraid of catching feelings though. I do it quite easily, and it might turn out very bad if if goes south. On the other hand, if I were to stick only to sex, maybe this wouldn't be a problem.

Submitted December 03, 2021 at 12:50AM

I am thinking of finding someone to regularily hook up with. I wouldn't be a person you would consider a typical FWB seeking guy, but I feel like maybe this could supplement some of my needs for the time being. I have no reason to engage in a true relstionship now. I am leaving the country in a few months for studying and I also am very preoccupied with work. I was thinking that maybe FWB could make it easier for me to push forward, while not starting to feel lonely. I am kinda afraid of catching feelings though. I do it quite easily, and it might turn out very bad if if goes south. On the other hand, if I were to stick only to sex, maybe this wouldn't be a problem.


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