
Showing posts from January 8, 2022

I like him but I cant stop overthinking

I have been talking to this guy for half a year already. We've never met in person yet. But weve been honest with our intentions. He likes me and I feel the same way. Whenever I text cold responses he would always ask what's wrong and I'll say my worries and he addresses it and assures me that he really like me. I am so tired of doubting him and overthinking. I dont want to ruin something that I really want. How can I fix this? Submitted January 09, 2022 at 02:16AM I have been talking to this guy for half a year already. We've never met in person yet. But weve been honest with our intentions. He likes me and I feel the same way. Whenever I text cold responses he would always ask what's wrong and I'll say my worries and he addresses it and assures me that he really like me.I am so tired of doubting him and overthinking. I dont want to ruin something that I really want. How can I fix this?

/u/LongjumpingTune9787 on You know those "Oh sh*t, i'm gay" vids on youtube? What's your "Oh sh*t, i'm ace" moment?

It really should have been when my ex burped in my mouth while kissing… January 09, 2022 at 01:39AM

Noticing a weird trend where girls (18/19/early 20s) I'm seeing will send me videos of themselves hanging out with other guys. What's the right move here?

Pretty much as above. I've noticed a trend where a girl I'm seeing will send me a video of her with a guy dancing or hanging out at a bar or club. I'm not exclusive with any of these girls, and only seeing them casually, but what's the right move here if I want to keep seeing them? Ignore it, or acknowledge it in a funny way like "good to see you're having fun 😂" or some shit like that? Obviously they want to make me jealous, I'm just not sure what the response should be. Submitted January 09, 2022 at 01:15AM Pretty much as above. I've noticed a trend where a girl I'm seeing will send me a video of her with a guy dancing or hanging out at a bar or club. I'm not exclusive with any of these girls, and only seeing them casually, but what's the right move here if I want to keep seeing them? Ignore it, or acknowledge it in a funny way like "good to see you're having fun 😂" or some shit like that? Obviously they want to...

/u/exobiologickitten on Fixed version of popular comic that explains asexuality :)

What was their reputation? January 09, 2022 at 12:45AM

She “loves me, but is scared”

I (34m), have been reconnecting with an ex girlfriend (33f). We dated 18 months ago and she ended things suddenly. I was heartbroken and fought for her, but ended up moving on and going NC after repeated failed attempts to reconcile. 18 months later we’ve reconnected and have been “dating” again for 4 months. She’s hot and cold. When its good, its so good. We’re in love, plain and simple. Then it flips and she’s distant and is difficult to decipher and hard to nail down. Not that I put too much stock in attachment theory, but in this particular case - and for the first time in my life - I’m clearly anxiously attached to her. I love her, want a family and the whole 9. She means the world to me and bc of that I feel the fear of losing her (for the second time). She seems like a classic avoidant. It’s always push/pull—I will tell her how I feel, make my feelings very well known, and make sure she feels loved. But when I do this too much I feel her pull away. She’s told me that she ha...

/u/Thefool753 on Who was the first person you came out to as ace?

I say nearly 20 years because I was around 19 when I found out. Up until that point I just never knew it was possible to feel whole like that without someone else, at least that’s what I had always been taught by others and shown by life. Nothing is ever black and white, we only find the truth by forging our own paths. I owe it all to that roommate though. She may not have done anything to directly put me down this path, but I really don’t know where I’d be today without having met her. I’m just fortunate enough to have been dealt that hand. Thank you for the kind words and, in time, I’m sure you’ll be put on a similar path :) January 08, 2022 at 11:49PM

/u/ThatLilBluejay on Lately I'm hating myself, one of the reasons is being asexual.

Trust me, I'm completely healthy, I just have some issues physically that have nothing to do with my hormone levels, so that needs no checkin'. I've never been sexually abused, an' my parents have never spoken of it again. And yeah, it's not that common. Around 1% of the popualtion is ace, so nearly 80 million. But the point is, they made me feel like pure shit for bein' somethin' I couldn't choose. An argument that my dad disagrees with, saying that asexuality is indeed, a choice. Asexuality isn't rooted behind a medical issue, and I personally think that I was asexual my entire life. I'm just a kid, but my whole life I've been absent from the world of sex, regardless of age. My mom thought I was tryin' to hold back urges I didn't have, but the truth is, my libido was always very low and I've always been ace. January 08, 2022 at 11:48PM

/u/depressed_chad1933 on I feel broken because of social media

because im fucking broken, ok? i was born with a defective brain that cant fucking function normally. and i fucking hate myself. so you can shut up about societal norms. asexuality is not normal. and their going to find a cure some day for it. youl see. you can go ahead and mock me and make fun of me all you want. i dont care anymore. January 08, 2022 at 11:47PM

/u/luminoustrawberry on Please stop spreading the myth we're not as 'oppressed' as other sexualities.

Also, you can only "not date" for so long before people start thinking you're weird or strange and start questioning why you're not engaging in sex or love like everyone else. Then you basically have to keep lying, or making shit up, and people start thinking you're some kind of freak. January 08, 2022 at 11:45PM

/u/Mundane-Cook-5472 on I feel broken because of social media

Because if sociatal pressure?❤ January 08, 2022 at 11:44PM