Thanks, I only discovered I was ace a few months ago, I'm so proud and I love this community to bits! Happy ace visibility day everyone! May 07, 2020 at 11:43PM
Asexuality is all about sexual attraction. It has nothing to do with romantic attraction to people, or aesthetic attraction. You can still have the desire to be in a relationship, even if you’re not interested in the sexual aspect. So yes, you can be asexual. May 07, 2020 at 11:40PM
If you don't feel you fit as a sexual minority, that's completely on you and not reality itself You're an idiot, and it's sad that none of this has sunken in yet May 07, 2020 at 11:38PM
Side note: I love that you call it “the nasty”. I always refer to doing the do with other names and thought I was the only one! But onto the main point, it’s really shitty this happened and I’m sorry. An ex-friend of mine would always talk about bumping uglies with people and when I asked her to stop as I don’t find it interesting to talk about (and the whole not feeling that type of attraction towards people) she would legit say “you just haven’t found the right person yet.” May 07, 2020 at 11:31PM
Usually it's because you've never "had" a relationship before. You just need to pop your cherry before you learn to enjoy it. >:( May 07, 2020 at 11:23PM
I agree, I think that it is more about the romantic attachment, and because things like kissing and hand holding are traditional ways of expressing that romantic attraction most aromantic people don't feel the need or want to do those things with other people May 07, 2020 at 11:22PM
Well I mean if you count being trans and pre-HRT as having a hormone deficiency then I certainly fit that criteria. Otherwise... No. May 07, 2020 at 11:22PM
I think that whatever excuses they come up with to hate or exclude us originates from the fact the asexuality is something they never have and probably never will experience, and, to them is therefore an invalid experience. It is the same reason society rejected the queer community for so long. May 07, 2020 at 11:16PM