Bad jok
Edit title: bad joke My husband made a really bad joke today that has honest left me feeling awful. We were in the car and I was apparently sitting on the end of his phone charger, he pulled it, I felt the pulling so I lifted my leg and butt cheek so he could get it out. He says, "did you even feel it under there?" to which I replied no. He followed that by, "damn that's pretty bad, next thing you know you'll find jelly beans you didn't know you had." And then laughed. I am at my all time highest weight non-pregnant, 155. I hate how I look but I have an issue with will power and food. To make make things worse, while walking in my bathing tonight suit my 3 yr old said, "mommy your belly is wiggling!" I know it's better to just let it go because he will just say he was kidding but man do I feel like an ugly fat cow right now. Submitted August 12, 2019 at 12:17AM Edit title: bad jokeMy husband made a really bad joke today that has h...