Title, I was dating this girl for almost 4years online and I had planned to move to where she was staying by the end of this year (I did not get a chance to tell her but I was planning on telling her in a few weeks on her birthday). Unfortunately she broke things off with me a week ago and told me she had just found someone she was interested in a month beforehand, but did not tell me. When I asked why she broke things off, she left very vague answers for me listing that people drift apart, we were each other's first relationship and that I was just good enough. She told me that both her and I could have done better and that we were heavily flawed people. I don't know how to resolve issues left unspoken since I am a very dense person. Is there anyway I can convince her to talk with me more often at least? I still love and miss talking to her. When I tell her things I wanted to do with her in the future, she responds back with that we just drifted apart and that no one was a ...