
Showing posts from March 7, 2022

/u/HapaBurrito on It can only mean soup dumplings....

Apparently it’s allo code for being open to casual sex. March 08, 2022 at 12:27AM

/u/paladingineer on So I can't think of away to explain my situation to my friends or anyone else for that matter

One way I've tried to explain things is that I can still fall in love, but for me there's no automatic connection between love and sex, and I can't comprehend why being in love with someone would make you want to have sex with them. It's just a totally unrelated thing. March 08, 2022 at 12:24AM

/u/-celeste_ on What do you consider borderline romantic?

no, your survey is fine as it is don't worry abt it March 08, 2022 at 12:20AM

High school dating 🙄

I have a friend who’s a boy, and he asked me out for valentines, where I said no because i thought he was joking lol, turns out he wasn’t. We have been flirting in class since, however he hasn’t made another attempt to go out with me but I want him to. I don’t want to make a move on him, what can I do? Submitted March 08, 2022 at 01:14AM I have a friend who’s a boy, and he asked me out for valentines, where I said no because i thought he was joking lol, turns out he wasn’t. We have been flirting in class since, however he hasn’t made another attempt to go out with me but I want him to. I don’t want to make a move on him, what can I do?

/u/Hermione0288 on What do you consider borderline romantic?

Would a google form be easier? March 08, 2022 at 12:20AM

Recently got engaged!

Hi Everyone! I (M27) recently got engaged 1.5 month ago. She (26) likes me and I like her too, we were both asked before the engagement nothing was forced. Now that we’ve started to get to know each other I’m in that phase where I can say I love this girl. But just a couple days ago she said she’s not there yet and still needs more time to love me. Is it normal for girls to take more time in liking the other person? We also decided that we should meet more often to get more comfortable and get to know each other better. Any advice that would help to get to know each other better or things to do. I just want her to like me like I do too. If I can get girls perspective on this it would be really helpful 😊. Thank you Submitted March 08, 2022 at 12:14AM Hi Everyone! I (M27) recently got engaged 1.5 month ago. She (26) likes me and I like her too, we were both asked before the engagement nothing was forced. Now that we’ve started to get to know each other I’m in that phase where I ...