I've[32 M] been married to my wife[32 F] for 5 years and with her much longer. I have bisexual fantasies which I haven't shared with her. How do I best share while also minimizing hurt feelings?
TL;DR; : I've been with my wife for a long time and love her deeply but am terrified to share with her that sometimes have bisexual fantasies. How do I come to grips with myself and share with her while causing her the lease amount of pain? When I[m] was young I experimented sexually with a friend[m]. My memories of it were of innocent exploration. Finding out of what felt good to ourselves and making each other feel good. It involved mutually masturbating and some oral too. It eventually stopped. My friend and I went to separate schools and didn't see each other often anymore. I never developed a trust level deep enough to experiment with a guy friend of mine like that again. At some point I read in a book that what I had done was okay, that actually it was quite common, and that it didn't indicate one way or the other if I was gay or bi or straight. I took that perspective to heart because in my family it became clear over time that being gay meant something was wron...