
Showing posts from March 20, 2021

/u/ElyontheRaccoon on My ace ring finally came!!! Just kidding it's sharpie. Does anyone know the best place to get an ace ring that's either adjustable or custom size?

Etsy, it's hand made and there is plenty of cool stuff. You have adjustable rings and some with different size. March 21, 2021 at 12:04AM

/u/Variance__ on Does anyone else flip-flop between feeling aromantic and not-aromantic?

Same here. March 21, 2021 at 12:02AM

/u/romanator25 on What's your view on marriage? How has it changed with time?

I would be ok with getting married, though I’m ok with not. I do still want to be in a relationship regardless March 21, 2021 at 12:02AM

/u/Coffee_andcake on Just filled out the 2021 census! Wouldn’t normally answer questions like this in a survey (I take the ‘none of your business’ stance) but it would be good to see asexuals recognised officially is something like this- maybe next decade there will be a specific option for us!

No idea honestly, I've never actually filled out a census before, as I'm still a teenager myself, but I'm sure you could find the answer to that somewhere or other with enough research Sorry I couldn't be more helpful March 21, 2021 at 12:01AM

/u/Jumpyropes on Sex is a gift from god?

This is surprising. Everything I've ever been told is that sexual desire is sinful and sex should only be for procreation. That any sexual urges need to be cast away or else you're a sinner. March 20, 2021 at 11:54PM

/u/Gertrude1976 on My mom said asexuality isn’t real, what do I do?

I mean— if she’s gonna be like that she’s just gonna be like that. Carry on. Just be glad you didn’t say trans. I feel the need to clarify that I am not bashing trans but rather saying that asexuality is one of the easiest things to accept, and trans can make parents go psyco March 20, 2021 at 11:51PM

/u/Thornescape on My mom said asexuality isn’t real, what do I do?

It's important to realize that some people will never ever in their entire lives admit that asexuality is real, no matter what you say or do. This is just the reality that we live in. It happens. It's good to inform people that you care about. It's good to give them the facts. It's also good to realize that some people will never believe and you just have to walk away. I have an aunt that doesn't believe that dinosaurs ever existed. When I asked what she thought the dinosaur bones were from, she said that they might be bison or something. It was the most intense moment of willful ignorance that I've experienced. I just had to walk away. March 20, 2021 at 11:50PM

/u/CueDramaticMusic on To Be or Not to Be by Ryan North

It’s also a choose your own adventure of Hamlet, and from what I’ve heard, you can apparently get an ending where you fucking skateboard out of the castle. March 20, 2021 at 11:50PM

/u/alienartissst on Got the update that lets us make flags and this is the first flag I made, naturally.

instantly grabs switch March 20, 2021 at 11:47PM

/u/SylTeddy on Quick PSA to people who don’t understand, that’s kind of a personal question

That always makes things harder. March 20, 2021 at 11:42PM

/u/Thornescape on Good ring materials?

On most job sites I've been on you aren't allowed to wear rings because they can get caught on things and (gruesome details omitted). Silicone rings are good for avoiding that problem as well. March 20, 2021 at 11:41PM

/u/allo100 on Does anyone else flip-flop between feeling aromantic and not-aromantic?

You didn't state your sexuality. But your comment suggests you are aromantic asexual. Is your partner aromantic asexual, or are they alloromantic allosexual? March 20, 2021 at 11:40PM

/u/dielectric-zeus on Hi everyone. This is a temporary post. Today is Iranian new year, Nowruz, and I just wanted to share it with you :') 💜❤️ and these pics are a symbol for this holiday. Hope you like it

No one hates you mate , we all know that political shit doesn't represent don't ya worry and remember that we love y'all March 20, 2021 at 11:38PM

/u/StabsMcTabby on Quick PSA to people who don’t understand, that’s kind of a personal question

Thanks, I hope so. Known her since I was a kid March 20, 2021 at 11:36PM

/u/Noisegarden135 on My ace ring finally came!!! Just kidding it's sharpie. Does anyone know the best place to get an ace ring that's either adjustable or custom size?

Silicone seems to be a popular recommendation. Thank you for the advice! March 20, 2021 at 11:34PM

/u/Tribork on To Be or Not to Be by Ryan North

I’m very confused is this like a play or something written by Ryan north in like Shakespeare style March 20, 2021 at 11:33PM

/u/HistoricallyRekkles on Anyone else get the whole “but you’re super attractive, there’s no way you can be asexual!”

Yup! People would tell me I’m lying because it’s not “normal”. I’m like clearly you can’t accept me for who I am so you can fuck off now. Don’t ever let other people determine your worth! March 20, 2021 at 11:33PM

/u/Variance__ on My ace ring finally came!!! Just kidding it's sharpie. Does anyone know the best place to get an ace ring that's either adjustable or custom size?

I got a silicone ring on Amazon. It’s stretchy and I can leave it on when I wash my hands. March 20, 2021 at 11:33PM

/u/ZanyDragons on Anyone else get the whole “but you’re super attractive, there’s no way you can be asexual!”

I got a lot more confident in college when my roommate enacted an at-first-joking but then serious ban on talking badly about our bodies. A small thing, but it finally made me feel more at home in my own skin after a few months living with her, we’re still close even after graduating now. I try to make myself strong now and wear what I feel is flattering, and if people get mad that I’m ace and they don’t have a chance with me I’ve grown to learn that’s 100% their problem and not my fault. (Sucks that I had to learn that as an adult but, better late than never) March 20, 2021 at 11:31PM

/u/Mercent_Perrault on To Be or Not to Be by Ryan North

Somehow that passage was funny even though I did not laugh. March 20, 2021 at 11:29PM

/u/HistoricallyRekkles on Anyone else get the whole “but you’re super attractive, there’s no way you can be asexual!”

It’s awful :( I’m so sorry you had to go through that. We women get objectified so much and it starts as a child. This is what people need to understand and why it’s not ok! March 20, 2021 at 11:27PM

/u/ZanyDragons on Anyone else get the whole “but you’re super attractive, there’s no way you can be asexual!”

Feels more like to the eyes of some folks, attractive people aren’t sexual beings so much as sexual objects . I was bullied when I was younger over my chest size and how even wearing normal t-shirts and jeans I was “intentionally” trying to get “attention”/distracting people, etc. when I was just like... existing in a space and usually trying to keep my head down. But my body was distracting by some weirdo accident of nature, beauty norms, and fat distribution so clearly I was the bad guy? Idk never made much sense to me even as a child. March 20, 2021 at 11:24PM

/u/Jumpyropes on Anyone else get the whole “but you’re super attractive, there’s no way you can be asexual!”

Right?? Why do people think that's a compelling argument? Like no the fuck you won't, buddy. Stay away from me. March 20, 2021 at 11:23PM