How to tell if you're losing interest or if your avoidant attachment style is flaring up?
I (30F) have been seeing a guy (30M) for about three months now and for the first two months things were going great and I was pretty damn infatuated. Then, out of the blue, I just sort of started feeling frustrated over small, stupid things that either didn't bother me initially or that I found cute in the beginning. As far as the relationship itself, nothing has happened at all -- no fights, no deep, dark secrets revealed or anything of the sort. I've just found myself mourning the abundance of free time that I had when I was single, feeling annoyed about relatively minor things (him interrupting me/overtalking me and not getting the hint when I proceed to try to finish my sentence -- he literally just continues to talk over me). At this point, he's way more into me than I am into him which is the exact opposite of how things began. He's been a really great partner aside from some traits that have started to grate on me (i.e. the overtalking and being really ...