
Showing posts from September 27, 2020

I just need to vent

I usually don’t get super annoyed at most things, but I am extremely annoyed. I matched with a guy and got along well enough. We made it obvious we weren’t looking for anything serious. I don’t have social media because I have an official job and really just don’t need the possible drama that could come with it, so I told him I would FaceTime or send pictures of me to prove it’s me and not some catfish. He would NOT accept anything that wasn’t either a nude or equivalent and said that I needed to explain myself multiple times on why I didn’t want to send him those kinds of pictures. I’m not risking my salary for some internet idiot, and I am just so frustrated at how bad he tried to make me feel for saying no. If he’s this pushy over pictures I cannot imagine how pushy he would be in real life. Thanks for listening. I’m still annoyed and live alone and needed to vent to more than my pets. Submitted September 28, 2020 at 12:05AM I usually don’t get super annoyed at most things, ...

Why am I getting flaked on?

I’m trying not to let it get to me but getting flaked on sucks. It has happens so often to me. I’m an attractive girl, I’m cool& not overbearing. Dudes will ask if I want to go out then not go through with the plan. Or say okay let’s go eat diner at so and so on Saturday then Saturday rolls by and they still never made a meeting time or anything. Wtfff. Why ask me out then? I feel like it’s just me so I’m thinking where am I going wrong. But I’m not doing shit wrong🤷🏽‍♀️. Can someone tell me I’m not alone in this? If you’re like this, WHY? I must know. Submitted September 28, 2020 at 12:12AM I’m trying not to let it get to me but getting flaked on sucks. It has happens so often to me. I’m an attractive girl, I’m cool& not overbearing. Dudes will ask if I want to go out then not go through with the plan. Or say okay let’s go eat diner at so and so on Saturday then Saturday rolls by and they still never made a meeting time or anything.Wtfff. Why ask me out then? I feel ...

/u/takomoFA on My families denial of me being Ace.

Oh nooo September 28, 2020 at 12:06AM

/u/dee615 on Me before discovering asexuality was a thing

I'm guessing you are in exalted company - Newton, Tesla, and others of that caliber. September 28, 2020 at 12:03AM

/u/Dr_Chair on Me before discovering asexuality was a thing

Combine this with a high-ish libido and you get confused aego screaming. September 28, 2020 at 12:03AM

/u/dee615 on Me before discovering asexuality was a thing

I'm 57 now, and just very recently ( as in a few days ago) realized that allosexuals desire sex without a specific target in mind. Mind blown! I knew that even allos in commited relationships felt desire for people other than their partner, but I took it as a given that the desire was directed towards specific people. September 28, 2020 at 12:00AM

/u/igotloggedoutbyredit on Overwatch aphobic person gets on my nerves.

Look I'm a veteran of overwatch switch this has gone on for a while and its against blizzard TOS online dating on a game isint cool. It can catfish or be a prank people stopping it is a good thing so yeah I get were both in the wrong for me joining and the LGBT person making aphobic comments. It should just be a simple question on why I asked. Why are you making a group like this this isn't grindr or tinder so dont make groups like this. That's all I asked that wouldn't be offensive if really not calling them anything or talking about them I just asked why did you make a group on a game not about dating. That wouldn't be a good thing to do since there are hundreds of kids on the console. September 27, 2020 at 11:58PM

/u/Traflorkian_ on I have a high and low libido simultaneously..

It wasn't always like this, though. Maybe within the past 2 years.. September 27, 2020 at 11:42PM

/u/ArguablyADork on Me before discovering asexuality was a thing

May I just say, from an "old" heckin dork to apparently another, I very much appreciate all the memories that were attached to, but also somehow not involving, that image. September 27, 2020 at 11:39PM

/u/StevieGalli on I'm listening to the 1984 audio book

seems like all fundamentalists are just like that, no matter their creed or policies September 27, 2020 at 11:39PM

/u/ArguablyADork on Me before discovering asexuality was a thing

Hup, look! Missingno! September 27, 2020 at 11:36PM

/u/EmilaiG on Ignore the aphobes who don't know you cuz y'all are valid like the rest of LGBTQ+

I wrote this in a reply below but just to let more people know! There's a sub called r/aretheexclusionistsok where people can re direct the hate posts they've seen and take it away from the main ace sub. It's a small sub but helps take away hate/triggering posts from ace safe places September 27, 2020 at 11:30PM

/u/EmilaiG on Ignore the aphobes who don't know you cuz y'all are valid like the rest of LGBTQ+

There's a sub called r/aretheexclusionistsok where people can re direct the hate posts they've seen and take it away from the main ace sub. It's a small sub but helps take away hate/triggering posts from ace safe places September 27, 2020 at 11:29PM

/u/I-need-to-sneeze on Hey aces ♠️, I’m doing a series of Among Us Pride characters, here’s yours 🏳️‍🌈 September 27, 2020 at 11:28PM

/u/dragongirl132 on Asexual or aegosexual?

I saw aegosexual, a subset of asexuality, described on a website: “Some people define it as a kind of sex positive identity, where they understand why people would want sex, they may even enjoy sexual content in films or books but they don’t want to have sex themselves. “ I thought it was interesting and somewhat identified with it! September 27, 2020 at 11:27PM

/u/sasaloti on Asexual or aegosexual?

I am not sure but I’m the exact same as you :-) I think I’m also occasionally turned on by the idea of it rather than the act itself. I’ve always just considered myself asexual so it’s interesting seeing this new word! September 27, 2020 at 11:15PM

/u/totally-not-an_ALT on I have made balls of the ace and demi flags

more specifically r/lgballt September 27, 2020 at 11:14PM

/u/EmilaiG on I don't get exclusionists who say "aces/aros are stealing resources from ACTUAL LGBT people"

They are stealing our sexual attraction and that's why we have a lack of sexual attraction :0 September 27, 2020 at 11:12PM

/u/a-really-big-muffin on Can I take a moment and vent, please?

Okay so you can't kidnap the daughter but you could definitely arrange an accident for mom... I kid, but that sounds like a terrible and infuriating situation, especially if the rest of her family won't even defend her from her mom. I wish you guys all the best (and you personally while you're dealing with your fam). September 27, 2020 at 11:11PM

A nice guy complaining how a woman who suffered a severe brain injury is the reason why he's single Submitted September 27, 2020 at 11:35PM

A nice guy after plans were canceled due to construction on my house and I told him I didn’t want to meet face to face Submitted September 27, 2020 at 11:45PM

Lack of Chemistry - What to do?

Background: I (30F) and my husband (31M) have been together for 10 years, married for 3. I had an abusive childhood and my barometer for a healthy relationship was way off. My husband is the kindest, most patient person I've ever met and with his help and with therapy, I've become a much better partner. We generally communicate well and when we spend time together, we have fun. Over the past year, I've been feeling unhappy. My husband and I have a great friend group and we spend time with them as often as possible while socially distancing these days. If we do anything as a group, he is excited and would bend over backward to see them. If I suggest we do something just the two of us, he is resistant. He wants to be sold on why it's worth his time. When I bring up this double standard, he agrees that it's present, but doesn't see a problem with it. It makes me wonder if he enjoys hanging out with me. When I bring up these concerns, he's surprised that I fee...

How to deal with trauma baggage in new relationship?

I started seeing this new guy for three months now - he’s great and I can see myself with him in the long term. Except we went drinking with friends last night and he came home very drunk and when he tried to initiate in bed I wasn’t really having it...and while he didn’t force himself on me, he asked “why are you resisting?” And it triggered some bad memories of a prior relationship from a decade ago. And I took my stuff and went to the second bedroom where I felt “safe” even though I knew he would never actually hurt me but the trigger was enough for me to go into flight mode. We haven’t spoken much about our past relationships- and it’s painful and I almost feel ashamed - and yes I’ve seen therapists in the past but it hasn’t helped with these situations where I get transported back emotionally. I tried to tell this new guy (ineloquently I’m sure) and he said “it sounds like you’re alluding to some past abuse or assault” and I shut down because it felt like he just threw a label o...