
Showing posts from May 22, 2021

/u/Dragon_of_Death_666 on Being ace is making me upset.

Solution: get a dog or 🐈🐕 But seriously if someone won't accept you for who you are they're probably not the right person for you anyways you will find someone who will accept you and not care that you are sex repulsed as someone who is the same I have worried about that before but I have come to the conclusion that if they don't accept you then they aren't good for you or the right person for you, you'll find someone for the meantime just remember to love yourself 😊❤️ May 23, 2021 at 12:01AM

/u/MeloenKop on Libido, what is it, im kinda confused

Libido may give you a sexual desire, it's as simple as that w you may get turned on sometimes and That's perfectly normal to get such feelings as an asexual even if you're not taking hormones, but you know your boundaries and what you want so don't worry libido won't make you do things cross those barriers May 23, 2021 at 12:00AM

/u/David_The_Redditor on If you have any more meme recommendations, I like making these and will post them here

I think I might be somewhere in that second group. May 22, 2021 at 11:59PM

/u/Madmonkeman on Is this ace or weird libido?

Yeah that pretty much confirms I’m ace. I first found out that something was different when I was trying to quit masturbation and literally everyone had it strongly connected to porn and talked about avoiding anything sexual in movies and stuff to not trigger it. I eventually put two and two together that something else had been triggering arousal for me and that it was actually a sexual feeling. And then I saw someone mention they were asexual while wanting to marry, and then I said something like “why would you want to marry if you’re asexual” and they said that romantic attraction was different from sexual attraction, and that’s pretty much what made me look into it. I was trying to figure out if my libido was just being weird or if that was a symptom of me being ace. May 22, 2021 at 11:58PM


Lol. And I just got back from having chocolate a moment ago. :P May 22, 2021 at 11:54PM

/u/MeloenKop on My story

Oh good you feel good about the label now! Just remember you will always be valid, you don't owe anyone an explanation and you can change your mind always! Just make sure to listen to your heart! May 22, 2021 at 11:46PM

/u/MissInfer on Sorry but I’m not living in fear for the rest of my life

I understand, mine were very unsupportive in regards to my mental health and I moved out at age 16 to study. I'm 24 now and pretty much no contact with any family members, only doing a short phone call every few months or so. Put value in your choice when it comes to letting people into or out of your life, and keep in mind that there are people out there who can relate to you, appreciate you and help you - be it online or IRL -, it doesn't have to be family. More often than not, the strongest bonds will be the ones you create; the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb! May 22, 2021 at 11:42PM

/u/Rhodochrom on My best friend bought this for me today I am now an official member of the black ring

You probably know this already but make sure to be gentle with your ring, hematite is very brittle and breaks easily May 22, 2021 at 11:41PM

/u/AstralF0x969 on Sorry but I’m not living in fear for the rest of my life

In my opinion family doesn’t mean blood. If you care about someone more than you would your average Joe that makes them family in my book. And cutting out toxic people can be healthy. May 22, 2021 at 11:39PM

/u/bignaus on Once again, another Spongebob meme that I made

But I'm more of a demi, but nevertheless. May 22, 2021 at 11:37PM

/u/bignaus on Once again, another Spongebob meme that I made

I went through this once. I had to explain to both my parents that it's not a phase, I just don't experience sexual attraction. It gets annoying May 22, 2021 at 11:36PM

/u/PlEaSe_sToPgujhbn on Things People Say When Your Ace

Absolutely love this lol May 22, 2021 at 11:36PM

/u/afeed4783807 on I hate people like this

It's a good example. Asexual diabetic here. May 22, 2021 at 11:32PM

/u/DustiestArcher on Is this ace or weird libido?

Not gonna label you but it does sound VERY ace. From what my friends (both male and female) have descibed sexual attraction to be like, it's like they cant help thinking about physical features and wanting to do things when they see someone hot. Along with physical feelings like butterflies or blushing etc. I'd say being on the ace spectrum is when you're missing some aspect of THAT^ (also the stuff on that other person's link was a good description of all the stuff my friends feel which I don't) Not necessarily anything about fantasies or whether you do or don't enjoy some activities It's helpful to remember that being ace is a whole spectrum and there's so many aspects to it that not everything matches up exactly between people or even within the same identity on the ace spectrum. Combining multiple aspects which are 100'/, valid individually, doesn't make them less valid when seen as a whole person. Fantasies? valid. Sex favourable? val...

/u/JadedElk on Current Discourse Is So Frustrating

sex positivity includes respecting people who don't want to participate in kink. Including in an observing fashion. There should be ways for vanilla as fuck people to participate in pride, even outside of the ace subgroups (some aces are kinky, tho I'm sure that comes with its own set of issues). We need spaces that are open to younger folks, monogamous folks, vanilla folks, sex-repulsed folks (be they ace or otherwise). I saw one take that was like "people think of queerness as a sex thing. That's why NB folks,* aces and vario-oriented folks aren't always considered queer -their thing isn't a sex thing. It's also why bigots are like ~ThInK oF ThE cHiLdReN~ all the time, because they see 'queer' and think 'sex thing'." and making pride a sex thing, or a very sexually charged atmosphere, feeds into that narrative. (*I think the take might've said trans people, but they get fetishized to hell and back so. From the perspective of pe...

/u/Solid-Grass9412 on Things I was told growing up.

It has to be, we really cant mess this up May 22, 2021 at 11:27PM

/u/hwud69 on I have weird experiences of attraction...i dont know anymore

yes, thank you thats very affirming May 22, 2021 at 11:13PM

/u/pefox on Being ace is making me upset.

I feel ya. Im afraid of someone rejecting me because of something I do or feel including my asexuality. One thing to think about is if you feel you need a partner in the context of dating. Growing up I was obsessed with the idea of having a boyfriend or husband some day yet I have also been extremely afraid of other people's need for intimacy. I found myself struggling with the desire to have another person in my life yet with my adverse reactions to anything physical. Eventually I started questioning why I felt I needed a partner to live happily. I decided that the need for a person in my life is definitely what I want however I dont need that person to be a partner in the same context as dating. I wanted a boyfriend/husband because I wanted another person to choose me. To choose to be with me in the good and the bad. I want to know a person can choose me and my flaws. And I've decided that the person that chooses me doesn't have to be that kind of partner. Society may s...

/u/boldnbrashsquid on Representation matters

Even before I knew I was aroace myself I always gravitated towards shows with barely any romance, particularly SpongeBob. I didn't find out SpongeBob was asexual until way later but I think I subconsciously picked up on it as a kid because I adored that show to the point of it being almost obsessive, at one point in time it was one of the only shows I'd watch at all. Even now it's still so comforting to know he's ace. And ace representation is so rare in general that when I found out Parvati from the Outer Worlds was ace (without knowing it prior) I was unbelievably happy. I think that was the first time I've ever unintentionally encountered explicit ace rep in any form of media, so it was such a good feeling. Up until then, I hadn't really considered how starved I was for representation, and I played that game literally like 6 months ago. May 22, 2021 at 11:09PM

/u/ace-demi on nein danke

Time for me to close my else. Bleh! May 22, 2021 at 11:09PM

/u/Flutterace on Is it okay that I am here? I'm Placiosexual...I think.

I don't know what my question is either I guess. I couldn't find a Placiosexual group on reddit. I've never told anyone my sexuality and I was hoping to find people who feel the same way. I just learned about placio and everything just clicked into place for me. May 22, 2021 at 11:09PM

/u/ej334jejrj on Representation matters

What to do when you're stuck in a relationship with someone you're not sexually attracted to May 22, 2021 at 11:07PM

/u/DustiestArcher on Anybody read Loveless by Alice Oseman?

Yes. Very good. I related with the main character so much. I'm actually planning on buying it in hardcover. But like the other person said there is some aphobic stuff in there, but it's in context and realistic. Like internalized aphobia, difficulty of others understanding you etc. The actual book itself has a really good understanding of what it's like to realize you are asexual and tackles a lot of the issues that aces who haven't figured themselves out yet will go through (or at least, I personally found it super freaky how closely the MCs experience matched my own). It's also very approachable for non aces, it's the sort of book I would consider lending to a friend I haven't come out to yet, to help them understand me without needing to have a sit down talk about it (this is actually exactly why I'm buying it in hardcover). Anyway I really really liked it. Definitely recommend you read it, even if it doesn't quite so closely match your own ...