
Showing posts from October 23, 2020

/u/confused_cephalopod on Upset with myself for being repulsed, need advice/support.

Oh that would be very helpful, I'll look into that! Thank you so much! October 24, 2020 at 12:00AM

/u/RainbowTotties on Indeed 💜🖤

Lord of sleeping around indeed. October 23, 2020 at 11:58PM

/u/brokenandtired1 on My "coming out" Monologue

Thank you sweetheart ♥️❤️😘😘😘 October 23, 2020 at 11:54PM

/u/briannaonreddit on My "coming out" Monologue

You are so valid in your identity and no one can take that away from you. No matter how hard it is right now, it will always get better. One day you will find the perfect woman for you if you haven’t already. Sending so much love ❤️ thank you for sharing October 23, 2020 at 11:53PM

/u/geeknb on Asexual ring giving ideas

sometimes you can pry the inside of the ring box out so you just have the little pillowy part, and if that works then put that with the ring in the puzzle box...? October 23, 2020 at 11:49PM

/u/danmath50aust on What with the Garlic Bread?

Yes they are! October 23, 2020 at 11:44PM

/u/Ifhes on What with the Garlic Bread?

And dragons are cool!!! October 23, 2020 at 11:44PM

/u/Ifhes on I have some questions about being asexual/gray-asexual and the wet dreams.

Some people never have those, even allosexuals. I never had and have allo friends that never had either. October 23, 2020 at 11:42PM

/u/YourAvocadosAreMine on Asexual ring giving ideas

On that topic, maybe bake a cake or cupcake and put the ring on top? That minimizes the risk factor October 23, 2020 at 11:42PM

/u/blackclaw565 on I saw this on Tumblr and thought it was worth sharing here :)

Amen. I had to explain that to my mom, that it's not that I don't like it (though I don't actually know bc I have a body count of -5) but I don't feel attracted to it. The thought of it makes me a bit uncomfortable actually. Could also be bc I'm self conscious and don't even like seeing me naked much less someone else. October 23, 2020 at 11:39PM

/u/confusedqueeer on Music with asexual themes?

This is great thanks for sharing! Some really good ones in here :-) October 23, 2020 at 11:29PM

/u/TimeInitial0 on I saw this on Tumblr and thought it was worth sharing here :)

It’s all just sooo confusing. I started my summer thinking I’ll finally get more clarity after years and years just pushing guys away. Now I’m surprised and more confused 🤔 October 23, 2020 at 11:28PM

/u/ParanoidAndroid353 on The People Who Prioritize a Friendship Over Romance

I am filled with a mixture of satisfaction and hatred towards myself. Interesting to note the representation, however, sire. October 23, 2020 at 11:26PM

/u/boredwithopinions on My girlfriend confided in me that she is asexual, how do I proceed?

Fair enough. Different people. Different experiences. October 23, 2020 at 11:26PM

/u/GaryColemanBaby on My keyboard lighting!

I'm planning on doing all ace colors for lighting when i get my pc built. Either that or some nice dark orange lighting. Looks nice op! October 23, 2020 at 11:24PM

/u/confusedqueeer on Music with asexual themes?

Ooh I just listened and its a great song! :-) very relatable lyrics, definitely speaks to my inner conflict and confusion about romance & relationships lol October 23, 2020 at 11:17PM

/u/aaeryieon on The People Who Prioritize a Friendship Over Romance

It's so delightful when mainstream sites recognize the emotional depth and importance in non-romantic, non-sexual, platonic relationships. October 23, 2020 at 11:16PM

/u/StevieGalli on What with the Garlic Bread?

I wasn't sure, either. For years I was only familiar with the cake meme before coming to this sub, so I am assuming the garlic bread is for people who don't like cake. I personally love both! I would love to have either, right now... I'm hungry. lol October 23, 2020 at 11:15PM

/u/the_golden_b on Trans women are women!

? October 23, 2020 at 11:15PM

/u/TheCheck77 on My keyboard lighting!

I need to change some settings i m m e d i a t e l y October 23, 2020 at 11:13PM

/u/StevieGalli on Religion and asexuality, help?

Yeah it's not super common, but I also have it (in addition to being aro/ace, so it doesn't mean you can't be ace, but it might clear up some of the things you are feeling). October 23, 2020 at 11:13PM

/u/Surikatt on 22F Looking for some friends

Hi 23F here. I also like gaming although I don't play that much cuz I don't have time because of studies.. But I'm currently trying to play as much Genshin impact as I can. I watch a lot of YouTube and TV shows, from American to Korean and Chinese. I love cats and I'm also quite the fan of the Harry Potter franchise (working through the books for the second time now) I'm pretty shy and not that social, but I'm here to chat if you'd like :3 October 23, 2020 at 11:12PM

/u/ADisappointedGoddess on What does asexual representation look like?

I think a lot of us don't have a realization that we are Ace, we don't realize we don't experience attraction until we see others experience it and then wonder why, feel awkward when people talk about crushes, feel left out or like there's something wrong with us. I'd have a friend of your character talking about a crush, and your main character wondering why they feel that way, how it's different from friendship, etc. But not asking these questions aloud. In my experience, the path to understanding you're ace is a pretty solitary journey. October 23, 2020 at 11:12PM