I saw this girl for a few months that I met thru a group project in a finance class. It was going pretty well, at least I thought. She told all her friends how much she liked me, how nice I was, and how much she enjoyed spending time with me. She would tell me the same and would say how much she cared about my opinion of her. Long story short, she started becoming distant for a few weeks. She would never say anything was up, or that she wasn't interested anymore. Even when she would flake (which was because she was busy), sometimes she'd offer another day. Even if she didn't, she'd reiterate that she wasn't trying to be difficult, and that it was just a rough point in the semester. I figured with it being finals season and her being legit the most involved person on campus with work/student gov/faculty senate/sorority/extra-curriculars on top of exams. We were still friendly and had a class together. She would text sometimes, reference when we would hang out, and ...