
Showing posts from December 15, 2020

/u/ThatRandomHumanBeing on Ok just out of curiosity am I the only asexual who doesn't like garlic bread?

Yessss more vampires!!!! 😃😃😃😃 Lol speaking of vampires and the garlic smell. I remember this one time my mum was cooking something with garlic and i couldn't stay in the house it smelled like garlic really bad and i felt really sick. December 16, 2020 at 12:05AM

/u/SpongeBarbara16 on I think I’m now “out” to everyone I personally know as ace, kinda cool.

That is really cool :) I hope someday I can get to that point December 16, 2020 at 12:05AM

/u/ThatRandomHumanBeing on Ok just out of curiosity am I the only asexual who doesn't like garlic bread?

Yessss! Can we? 😃 I LOVE chocolate! But, I preffer to eat it with a nice cup of tea instead of coffe tho! December 16, 2020 at 12:02AM

/u/ThatRandomHumanBeing on Ok just out of curiosity am I the only asexual who doesn't like garlic bread?

Yesss go vampire team!!!!!🧛‍♂️🧛‍♀️🧛 December 15, 2020 at 11:59PM

/u/sweetpeapumpkin on Demi/Grey - do you relate to Apressexuality?

Haha, yes, I understand, we can have very small sample size pools. I tell people this when they ask what my sexual orientation is beyond demi. Like, I can guess, but the sample size would get me laughed out of any research beyond a case study. Thanks for explaining! December 15, 2020 at 11:58PM

/u/Jackvader2020 on Found under a thread on r/cringetopia. A few users who think aces are “incels calling themselves asexual to feel better about themselves”. They’re missing the whole point about asexuality, so I’ve tried to call them out. 🙄

Guess im extra virgin then : ) December 15, 2020 at 11:55PM

/u/Virgils_Vigil on “A nice girl like you” movie... low key aphobic???

Question is will it be base 10. The reason we us it is we have 10 fingers, but to them... eh December 15, 2020 at 11:53PM

/u/SpongeBarbara16 on Did this during online class, sorry my waiting is shitty

I think that now. And that is now what I will be telling people December 15, 2020 at 11:53PM

/u/Confused_Femme on Demi/Grey - do you relate to Apressexuality?

I said "no" but I've only had one partner, and been (eventually, I think?) sexually attracted to him, and it happened after having emotional/romantic attraction. But I have been emotionally attracted to someone else before this without it leading to sexual attraction. So mostly my "no" is because I don't think the correlation is enough to determine causation, you know? December 15, 2020 at 11:52PM

/u/throwawayyyyyyh on I feel kinda left out from the community because of my high libido. Also that was one of the things that made it hard to figure out I'm ace.

Well, I’m a virgin, so no. But I think I might if I was romantically attracted to them December 15, 2020 at 11:50PM

/u/Kromapoint on I designed a thing! Feel free to use it as a wallpaper :P

stealing this thank you- December 15, 2020 at 11:50PM

/u/toesandmoretoes on I feel kinda left out from the community because of my high libido. Also that was one of the things that made it hard to figure out I'm ace.

If you don't mind my asking, do you have sex with people you don't find attractive? December 15, 2020 at 11:48PM

/u/toesandmoretoes on I feel kinda left out from the community because of my high libido. Also that was one of the things that made it hard to figure out I'm ace.

What if someone desires to have sex, but not with a particular person. Like they want sex but don't feel attracted to anyone so will have sex with people they're not attracted to for fun. December 15, 2020 at 11:46PM

/u/tsukikotatsu on I feel kinda left out from the community because of my high libido. Also that was one of the things that made it hard to figure out I'm ace.

Honestly, I wish I could tell you I resolved it intentionally, and how I did it, but the truth is my libido has dropped off on its own over the last few years. December 15, 2020 at 11:45PM

/u/OptimusPrime_13131 on I feel kinda left out from the community because of my high libido. Also that was one of the things that made it hard to figure out I'm ace.

Hello there. Welcome. December 15, 2020 at 11:45PM

/u/violentbanana1801 on I feel kinda left out from the community because of my high libido. Also that was one of the things that made it hard to figure out I'm ace.

Same! Also, I have always been positive about nudity or at least neutral, and am interested in kinks n whatnot, but then, I think, "Do I actually want to do this with someone?" and then I go nope lol December 15, 2020 at 11:43PM

/u/doodle_hoodie on Babies first meme how did I do?

Thanks that is literally the first time my hand writing has ever received a complement. also I promise that writing took a wile you do not want to see me write fast it will be half legible and spelt incorrectly December 15, 2020 at 11:37PM

/u/somethingswrong11 on confused but trying to be respectful to ace friend

Thanks for responding! I am very uninformed about asexuality (even reading a few posts on here made me realize how little I know), so I will definitely look into learning more. Are there any websites you think would be good or that you recommend? As for communicating with them, I am very shy so the thought of that is so scary haha. I guess my plan for right now will be to see if they continue to say flirty or sexual stuff, and then try to work of the courage to ask them about it (and hopefully not embarrass myself to death) December 15, 2020 at 11:36PM

/u/Confused_Femme on Research study on partner preferences

The bubbles regarding sexual and romantic orientation seem not to be functioning properly for me--when I fill out one, the answer to the other disappears, and therefore I cannot proceed to the final page of the survey, but I filled out the remainder of the second page. December 15, 2020 at 11:32PM

/u/spinningpeanut on I feel kinda left out from the community because of my high libido. Also that was one of the things that made it hard to figure out I'm ace.

Or like needing to sneeze and it can't come and you need some other means like staring at a bright light. You want to stare at the bright light to help, your partner is your bright light. Or following the itch, like if the itch is on your back and you need a backscratcher to get it or your partner to scratch it. Gotta find a partner who wants to scratch it before the itch just up and goes away, which has happened to me at least. God if you aren't sure if you're ace just keep watching the sub the answer does come. December 15, 2020 at 11:29PM

/u/zoe_2703 on I feel kinda left out from the community because of my high libido. Also that was one of the things that made it hard to figure out I'm ace.

I feel you. After realising that I'm ace and not straight everything seemed to make sense for a little while. But the more ace posts I saw the more straight I felt. And then I discovered r/cupiosexual A group of sex positive, high libido aces. Maybe that's something for you aswell December 15, 2020 at 11:28PM

/u/somethingswrong11 on confused but trying to be respectful to ace friend

Yes I think my confusion comes from not really understanding the spectrum, I assumed that if they were sex repulsed it would mean no sex ever, but I guess that might not be true here. I definitely don’t think that being asexual is wrong or that I need to fix them, so no danger of me saying those things. thanks for the help! December 15, 2020 at 11:27PM

/u/Aku_5himarisu on I feel kinda left out from the community because of my high libido. Also that was one of the things that made it hard to figure out I'm ace.

You're totally valid. I'm grey/demi myself. Neither you nor myself owes anyone an explanation about ourselves, and what you're feeling is normal. I questioned myself for a while too. December 15, 2020 at 11:27PM