
Showing posts from May 12, 2023

/u/niky45 on ”Everyone likes sex 🙄”

yeah, 100% agree, not everyone is into sex, at the very least not at that moment (again, people may change, and that's okay). May 13, 2023 at 01:09AM

Is this viable advice?

So a guy at my work told me that the best way I can get a girlfriend is to do the following: Shower every day, put on deodorant, take decent care of myself and be competent with money. He said that women, especially in their 20's put up with more bullshit than I can imagine and that the best card I can play is to be a self-sufficient, competent adult. Is this actually true? Like there isn't any fancy bs to it, just be a mature adult and you have the cards in your favor? Submitted May 13, 2023 at 01:00AM So a guy at my work told me that the best way I can get a girlfriend is to do the following: Shower every day, put on deodorant, take decent care of myself and be competent with money. He said that women, especially in their 20's put up with more bullshit than I can imagine and that the best card I can play is to be a self-sufficient, competent adult. Is this actually true? Like there isn't any fancy bs to it, just be a mature adult and you have the cards in your

/u/AdDense3982 on Argument with a sex therapist who refuses to believe I am asexual

As an allo, I knew with 100% confidence after the third paragraph that you are not allo. May 13, 2023 at 12:06AM

/u/ChinchillaMadness on anyone else ace and autistic?

Was it this one? May 13, 2023 at 12:01AM

hot n cold

so i (f20) have been kinda talking to this guy from work (m24) for a month, and i know he likes me. the problem is sometimes im really really into him and sometimes i get major icks from him. i don’t want to lead him on, but i cant figure out how i feel about him. this is the first time anyone’s ever shown interest in me (as far as i know) and don’t really know how to navigate all of the feelings im having. Submitted May 13, 2023 at 12:16AM so i (f20) have been kinda talking to this guy from work (m24) for a month, and i know he likes me. the problem is sometimes im really really into him and sometimes i get major icks from him. i don’t want to lead him on, but i cant figure out how i feel about him. this is the first time anyone’s ever shown interest in me (as far as i know) and don’t really know how to navigate all of the feelings im having.