
Showing posts from February 14, 2023

Almost a year later and still cant date.

Been almost a year since my last breakup. I dunno, I just cant get into the mindset and just find starting a new relationship to be so fake and grating. Dating seems so uninteresting now and the few times I tried I just feel, annoyed? Yadda yadda, chock it up to breakup trauma or whatever I guess. Not to mention I'm generally just making unfair comparisons of new people to my ex so I can never focus anyways. Online dating apps are atrocious as always, geared to just take my money. I dont have time for clubs and hobbies I rarely have time for myself because all the energy I have goes to work. I dunno, havent seemed to find anyone even remotely interesting to me. But I'm also just not in a healthy mindset. Submitted February 15, 2023 at 02:13AM Been almost a year since my last breakup.I dunno, I just cant get into the mindset and just find starting a new relationship to be so fake and grating.Dating seems so uninteresting now and the few times I tried I just feel, a...

/u/Kazadracon on Asexuality becoming the next culture war topic - I can see it now

My grad program's professors were very insistent on pronouns. I'm not sure if it was a surface level understanding of nonbinary identities (ironic to me as a pronoun-indifferent enby person) or a leftist trend to ask about pronouns. February 15, 2023 at 01:35AM

Ive hit a road bump and i dont know where to go

So around 4 months ago i met a great girl on tinder and we immediately hit it off. Talked everyday for a month and a half but due to our situations we knew we couldn’t have what we wanted. She lives 40 minutes away at a university in a shared dorm room and neither of us drive. I wanted to take her for a date but we both realised that we couldn’t really take it anywhere from there and we would basically be hurting our chances if we decided to pursue that. So long story short i cut things off with her very politely and she understood completely and she told me it was a wise decision ( i felt like i hurt her so i asked her if she thought i made the right decision). Having to cut her off completely destroyed me because i was crushing on her hard but i know its not the end of anything. this year a lot of changes regarding our unfavourable situations. Basically things can work out around September but i know that a lot can happen in this time and there isnt a guarantee that we will be inter...

What is wrong with me Reddit?

So, I like 3 girls, They are all great people, and I like them a lot. I try to make the excuse of, "It's so I don't bounce around between them all of the time." But I always feel like I'm a hoe. And I've been called a Hoe plenty of times. I just don't feel like it's the right thing to do. Am I a hoe reddit? Please help me. Submitted February 15, 2023 at 12:16AM So, I like 3 girls, They are all great people, and I like them a lot. I try to make the excuse of, "It's so I don't bounce around between them all of the time." But I always feel like I'm a hoe. And I've been called a Hoe plenty of times. I just don't feel like it's the right thing to do. Am I a hoe reddit? Please help me.

/u/GamordanStormrider on Dating While Asexual

Online seems to be where most LGBTQ people meet, period. A relationship is still a relationship even without physical intimacy. Emotional and mental intimacy is still a thing. I'm a person who gets close to people easily, but there's still some things I'd only ever talk to a partner about (like a shared future, darkest fears, or what I'd do in a zombie apocalypse) or experiences I'd only want with a partner (stargazing, cute picnics, long drives with no destination in mind, etc). It's just nice to be able to bond with someone and get as emotionally close and vulnerable as you want without the obligation that it'll turn into sexual intimacy as well. February 14, 2023 at 11:44PM