I’ve thought about this. Many peoples’ experience involves sexual repression and an environment telling them sex is evil. If you don’t know anything about sexualities beyond “straight,” “gay,” “lesbian,” and “bisexual,” and especially if you’re used to a repressive environment, our true lack of interest can look like pretending to have no interest due to a repressive environment. Sex-repulsion may look like “sex is evil and disgusting” in the moral sense and not in a “this is just my natural reaction, not a moral judgment” sense. And if you hate that repressive environment, you might have negative associations with repressed people. And if the other refuses to “see the light” and acts disgusted, that can’t be their true reaction, everyone loves sex and they’re just a prude pretending not to like it to seem pure! Their no isn’t really a no! And even if it is, they deserve to be punished with sexuality for making me repress mine! (That’s not how it works. Even if it was just a prude a...