
Showing posts from July 24, 2020

/u/Earl_The_Red on So I went to my dentist a few years ago.

'Once boys discover girls,' Ah yes, because boys have no idea girls exist until a certain age, that's why they need a dad, how can a mom parent a boy if he doesn't even know she exists? /s... I think? I just realized I don't fully understand what sarcasm is. July 24, 2020 at 11:45PM

/u/Anna3422 on Easy money

If only July 24, 2020 at 11:43PM

/u/IAmNutTea on Do doctors always presume you're having sex?

My doctor asks if I'm sexually active everytime I go in for my yearly check-up. They go through questions from a form that they fill out I believe. Everytime they ask I'm like, "Uhhh, no". I feel kind of weird saying no in a way because of my age and with how society is now, basically everyone has sex. July 24, 2020 at 11:43PM

/u/nousertouse on Do doctors always presume you're having sex?

My favorite time was when a nurse asked that I take a pregnancy test right then and there and I told her I wasn't. She said that I had to, so I told her I haven't had sex. She must have took it differently because she persisted, so I outright told her I'm a virgin. That look on her face...she was so flabbergasted that she had no response and she had no idea what to say. Well, I think she wanted to say /something/ but thought better of it. I'm also on the older side, so I get it, but it felt kind of judgy since it wasn't the usual professional response I got from my other doctors. XD July 24, 2020 at 11:41PM

/u/TheChronologer1 on help. is it possible my boyfriend is asexual but intensely romantic?

He could be sex-repulsed, though he doesn't have to be. That, too, is a spectrum. I'm sex-repulsed, so I can't stand sex scenes and porn and explicit descriptions of erotic things, but there's also sex-averse, which is that they do not want to have sex themselves, though they aren't repulsed by that kind of stuff, sex-neutral, which is that they don't care about sex one way or another, and sex-favorable, which means they like and/or want sex. Allos (allosexuals, non-aces) can also be any of these things. Sexual attraction just has to do with sex, so sexual attraction means desiring to be sexual with or in a sexual relationship with specific people. Wanting that kind of relationship in general is not sexual attraction, unless they feel that for specific people. Romantic attraction is the same description as sexual attraction except you replace "sexual" with "romantic". Alterous attraction is more than platonic (just being friends) but not...

/u/itscara_ on I made an ace background! Feel free to use it ^w^

Saving this! July 24, 2020 at 11:37PM

/u/Gumilicious on Would you rather have;

The dragon does sound cool as heck, but the thing is, what if they're like really hard to take care of?, maybe they have like a super specific diet, or maybe they're hard to train and super temperamental and stuff... so I dunno, seems too dangerous tbh. I haven't tried garlic bread yet (I know, I'm a fake ace), so cake seems like the best option. I mean think about it, it doesn't specify which kind of cake, so presumably you get to choose based on what type of cake you feel like eating. July 24, 2020 at 11:36PM

/u/Collette1138 on Do doctors always presume you're having sex?

my doctors dont presume im having sex and are always chill when i say im asexual. July 24, 2020 at 11:34PM

/u/lawful_moth on Found a website that lets you make LGBT avatars!

You might wanna check out r/aceavatars , too :) July 24, 2020 at 11:34PM

/u/InspiringUp on I made an ace background! Feel free to use it ^w^

Can you make a pan Ace background please uwu July 24, 2020 at 11:30PM

/u/katie310117 on Found a website that lets you make LGBT avatars!

Haha it's cool it wasn't a great joke :p July 24, 2020 at 11:26PM

/u/pk-groundstorm on Coming out hesitation

Im the exact same. Thanks for posting this it feels good to know other people feel the same way. Maybe you dont have to go out of your way to come out to them and only tell them you're asexual if they ask you something relevant to it like whether or not you want kids. July 24, 2020 at 11:25PM

/u/TheChronologer1 on Easy money

I've already gone 18, another ten would be easy! (and another 100 after that) July 24, 2020 at 11:23PM

/u/froggie61 on help. is it possible my boyfriend is asexual but intensely romantic?

Thank you. im going to have to be very brave. July 24, 2020 at 11:22PM

/u/froggie61 on help. is it possible my boyfriend is asexual but intensely romantic?

Thank you for the insight. I'm sorry im so new to this whole world. i understand not being attracted at all but the nuances i'm finding confusing. When you say attracted but not sexually, what does that feel like in terms of desire? desiring hugs and cuddles and kisses but not sex? Or hugs and cuddles but not kisses and not sex? does that mean he is replused or finds all sex things off-putting, or just that he doesn't feel the need for it? July 24, 2020 at 11:19PM

/u/zrhae on I have found that it is difficult for me to find common ground in the asexual community.

Honestly I face this exact issue too. My interests include makeup and gaming. Most of the other girl gamers I know are in relationships and met their partners through gaming. I tried going to a gaming bar in my city and it was basically just groups of couples hanging out together and I felt left out. I know interests and sexuality are two different things but sometimes it’s just nice to know that the person I share my interests with are also ace like me so when relationships come up, I don’t have to feel like I have to explain myself. July 24, 2020 at 11:18PM

/u/CowRepresentative166 on help. is it possible my boyfriend is asexual but intensely romantic?

explain to him briefly what asexuality is, then ask. tell him he can have a few weeks to think about it because some ace people need time to accept it when they discover their sexuality July 24, 2020 at 11:14PM

/u/ttrrraway on Am I asexual? or am I just weird? Please help

Wow! Reverse the genders and we are pretty much the same person! Your first paragraph there, plus everything you wrote up to point 5 (except the virginity part and your bad experience in point 3), I could have just written all of that... that was pretty impressive to read for me! Since you are pretty much myself in female version, I'll tell you that you sound asexual, just like me, but it's true that the sensual, romantic, and aesthetic attraction, plus the desire to make out with people when drunk makes it hard to label oneself as purely asexual (been there, just like you, drunk and looking for the physical touch and affection but nothing else). I think of myself as asexual but right next to where sexuality starts. Still asexual though. What do you masturbate to? Your answer to that question (you don't have to tell me, just answer for yourself), can give you an idea. In my case, for instance, I masturbate to non-sexual things: images/videos of non-nude, attractive gir...

/u/nu_bae on If you're asexual and have a good sense of style, then I guess it's your...

*reluctantly upvotes while snorting* July 24, 2020 at 11:13PM

/u/TheChronologer1 on help. is it possible my boyfriend is asexual but intensely romantic?

It is possible he could be and he has the traits of one, but that doesn't necessarily mean he is. The best way to know is to ask him. For your relationship, if he wants sex when you're married and if he's ever heard of or looked into asexuality, ask him to if he hasn't (if you want to, you could refer him to me since I know the vast majority of the ace spectrum). He obviously loves you and is attracted to you, but maybe not sexually, which would mean he probably isn't attracted to anyone sexually. I'm similar to him, based on how you've described him, except I don't really follow religion and I'm also gay and aromantic. Otherwise, though, similar. July 24, 2020 at 11:13PM

Anyone using the word pussy without invitation should immediately be put on some kind of list. Submitted July 24, 2020 at 11:36PM

How important is sticking to the, "unwritten rules of dating" for you?

I'm dating (as opposed to hookups, rebounding, etc) for the first time in years, and am quickly realizing how utterly clueless I am. (41F if that matters). I've actually never really dated before. My ex and I were friends before we got together, so we skipped that step (almost 20 years ago) and my only prior experience w/online apps was immediately after the relationship and they were hookups, FWB, and one hookup that morphed into a rebound relationship. It's taken time away from all that, healing and therapy and I'm ready for actual healthy connection again, but....I'm finding there are a whole lot of rules (either new to the culture or that I never learned). Honestly, they all seem pretty illogical to me. Why would I wait 3 days to text someone if I already know I want to see them again? Or wait X number of days to meet in person if I want to see if there's actually a connection? Or hide my level of attraction? Etc, etc. My reasons for not wanting to play ...

This is why women ghost.

All of this because I wouldn't go to his house lol this is the type of men I encounter, a lot. Submitted July 24, 2020 at 11:49PM All of this because I wouldn't go to his house lolthis is the type of men I encounter, a lot.