I got diagnosed with HPV roughly 3 years ago, and had a wart on my penis. Since then my mental health has been a cause for concern, and something I have committed to fixing, especially lately, as I am tired of letting paranoia get the better of me. Over these last few years, I've gone to my family doctor many many times, as well as a dermatologist, twice, and a urologist once. All three conclude whatever I am concerned about is NOT a cause for concern at all; very normal, everyone gets a bout with HPV at least once in their lives (other than the vaccinated), and to go about my normal life. Initially, with the exception of my family doctor's original diagnosis, both specialists looked at me and brushed it off, saying there was nothing there. I, being the type who is a bit meticulous and OCD, knew there were spots of concern... yes, they were very small, and nearly unseeable, but I pushed them a little harder and said please, look closer at this spot specifically. They both d...