
Showing posts from May 24, 2022

First date went well. We talked a lot, we kissed towards the end. Invited over to her house for Wednesday . Unsure how to read into this

The date went well, We went out on a date Friday, she wanted to meet Sunday. I proposed sometime this week so we decided Wednesday at her house to watch a movie and hang. We talk daily, I just saw she updated her bumble profile, so I’m kinda overthinking. I usually see one person at a time. She compliments me a lot I just have this crazy anxiety for the second date. Do I ask her where this is going after the second date? I’m getting crazy anxiety from this uncertainty I guess Submitted May 25, 2022 at 01:13AM The date went well, We went out on a date Friday, she wanted to meet Sunday. I proposed sometime this week so we decided Wednesday at her house to watch a movie and hang. We talk daily, I just saw she updated her bumble profile, so I’m kinda overthinking. I usually see one person at a time. She compliments me a lot I just have this crazy anxiety for the second date. Do I ask her where this is going after the second date? I’m getting crazy anxiety from this uncertainty I gue...

/u/christinelydia900 on I didnt have an ace ring, so i used a lego wheel (dont mind my cat in the back)

Honestly... Yeah tho May 24, 2022 at 11:39PM

Should I send this text? I wanna get this off my chest and sending a text is the only way I can let it go

So for context this girl I work with was acting really flirty with me. She wanted to hangout and the day we hung out she told me how good I looked with “:))” in the text. She also said I was the only coworker she cared that made it to her school concert and things like that. When my mom came into our work when I wasn’t there she said she had a boyfriend in a town away from where we live (about an hour away) and when my mom said she was my mom this girl put her hand on her mouth and just sat there and looked at my mom in shock. The day after she spammed my phone when I wouldn’t respond and kept sending random pictures of herself to me (which she never did). And now today she’s completely avoided me and hasn’t even tried to text me, she’s acting really weird now. I wanna text her just so she knows I know, and to get it off my chest, is a text like this good? “I’m gonna address the elephant in the room. When my mom came into [work] she heard you say you have a boyfriend (which isn’t the...

/u/christinelydia900 on I didnt have an ace ring, so i used a lego wheel (dont mind my cat in the back)

Heck yeah! Also, cat :) May 24, 2022 at 11:38PM

/u/overshotsine on Semi-rant

wow. that’s quite.. ah.. what’s the word I’m looking for… oh yeah. WRONG. I can tell you… from experience that aces are capable of feeling things. In fact, right now I’m feeling everything all at once and it sucks May 24, 2022 at 11:38PM

/u/nfinitegladness on Pride

In general, yes, doing something to celebrate the ace in your life is appropriate! I like the suggestions you made, and there are also lots of items available for sale in ace colors. If there's something she's really into, maybe try to find that in ace colors? My only caution is to keep it somewhat small and private so that you can gauge her comfort level. Maybe at the end of the day celebrating pride isn't her cup of tea, and that's perfectly okay. But the sentiment you want to share is wonderful, and I think that's ultimately what matters. May 24, 2022 at 11:37PM