
Showing posts from October 1, 2023

/u/lowkey_rainbow on Research Request for Self-Identifying Asexual Individuals in the United States!

“Self-identifying”. Yikes. You wouldn’t try asking ‘self-identifying’ gay people or ‘self-identifying’ straight people because you know that’s wrong. But us, gotta pathologise that shit. Maybe start by actually just treating us as adults who have a legitimate orientation? Edit: also, did this post get mod approval? Where is your ethics clearance? In fact, who is your tutor because I have half a mind to contact them about you conducting research without ethical approval plus you are clearly not keeping your data confidential if other people in these comments can see the names of your participants! October 01, 2023 at 11:12PM

/u/Klexington47 on Is a black ring on someone’s right middle finger a 100% confirmation that they’re Ace?

What brings you here? :) we're glad to have you! October 01, 2023 at 11:07PM